Author Topic: Should Nintendo release a 2nd virtual boy?  (Read 3177 times)


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Re: Should Nintendo release a 2nd virtual boy?
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2016, 11:17:56 pm »
I think when they can do 4K-8k video on the headsets it will really be amazing.

What they have now might be good. I certainly believe it's gotta be better than earlier attempts for the reasons stated above. (Better art, graphics, sound, etc).

But if I strap a visor to my head and start seeing pixels and jaggies it's over.


Re: Should Nintendo release a 2nd virtual boy?
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2016, 10:55:31 am »
Technology improvement doesn't necessary mean better.  You get more options with better technology, but it doesn't always mean that it will better utilized.

So you're saying the tech is their, but you haven't seen any effective use of it.  The designers, not the tech.  Therefore we should scrap the entire concept of Virtual reality.  Alright
You know the are a whole bunch of games using the Kinect for all sorts of crap, the problem is that the Kinect literally didn't work for half of its games, the other half were games that no one wanted to play.  THAT'S a pretty good reason to drop the Kinect, as they did. 

I hate this whole 'I have the opportunity to use the term "Gimmick" in relation to something new, therefore it's terrible'.  I haven't used VR at all myself, but I've heard a lot of people who have used VR (mainly Oculus Rift) talk about there experience, they've all be positive so I don't know where you've got this idea that "most people aren't too impressed"
Not to mention the price point is still kinda high for an accessory.  I think new and practical ideas on VR that can't be done elsewhere would convince more people to buy one, but right now it looks like a novelty.

The price is a concern for me too, who knows how expensive Nintendo's tech would be.  You can bet it won't be the most powerful either


Re: Should Nintendo release a 2nd virtual boy?
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2016, 06:57:35 pm »
Technology improvement doesn't necessary mean better.  You get more options with better technology, but it doesn't always mean that it will better utilized.

So you're saying the tech is their, but you haven't seen any effective use of it.  The designers, not the tech.  Therefore we should scrap the entire concept of Virtual reality.  Alright
You know the are a whole bunch of games using the Kinect for all sorts of crap, the problem is that the Kinect literally didn't work for half of its games, the other half were games that no one wanted to play.  THAT'S a pretty good reason to drop the Kinect, as they did. 

I hate this whole 'I have the opportunity to use the term "Gimmick" in relation to something new, therefore it's terrible'.  I haven't used VR at all myself, but I've heard a lot of people who have used VR (mainly Oculus Rift) talk about there experience, they've all be positive so I don't know where you've got this idea that "most people aren't too impressed"
Not to mention the price point is still kinda high for an accessory.  I think new and practical ideas on VR that can't be done elsewhere would convince more people to buy one, but right now it looks like a novelty.

The price is a concern for me too, who knows how expensive Nintendo's tech would be.  You can bet it won't be the most powerful either.
Why are you making up false arguments? Disagreeing with the implementation of how VR is being used don't mean that I want it to be completely scrapped. 

The concept of " gimmick" doesn't exactly correlate with being terrible here, instead its using VR as a means of marketing for " new experiences" in the same vein as motion controls were marketed last generation. The problem is that VR's main goal of immersion will only suceed when you don't notice the screen and forgot that you're in the room, which is going to require huge technology changes that will take a long time for PC's to reach, and even longer for console hardware without it costing a ton of money.  So they need new gameplay hooks in the meantime, which is something I haven't seen yet. Maybe PS VR will kick that off the ground for actual games.


Re: Should Nintendo release a 2nd virtual boy?
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2016, 10:08:31 am »
Why are you making up false arguments? Disagreeing with the implementation of how VR is being used don't mean that I want it to be completely scrapped. 

Right, there were a couple of other people in the thread saying it's a fad and that they want it to die, I was referring to that I suppose.  Hence I'm the only one here really defending the thing so all of these comments are being mixed into a big concoction.  Dashv is a little less completely negative.  Back on topic, I'm not sure about Nintendo venturing back to VR anytime soon. 
No, let the fad disappear already.
It pretty much just boils down to this statement, All VR is, is just a fad that will eventually die off like motion controls. It's just another passing fad.
No.... Just no...

Please just let VR go away.  It's a cool gimmick, but that's about it.


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Re: Should Nintendo release a 2nd virtual boy?
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2016, 04:01:19 am »
Right, there were a couple of other people in the thread saying it's a fad and that they want it to die, I was referring to that I suppose.  Hence I'm the only one here really defending the thing so all of these comments are being mixed into a big concoction.  Dashv is a little less completely negative.  Back on topic, I'm not sure about Nintendo venturing back to VR anytime soon. 

I will probably own a PS VR. I'm a techie. I like new stuff.

But much like the 55inch 3D TV I bought for the promise and potential of 3D gaming on the PS3 I expect only a handful of games to support the PS VR much less support it well.

I would be very happy to be wrong.

Doom 3, Shadow of the Colossus, Pinball Arcade, Super Stardust HD, Ratchet and Clank, are all great in stereoscopic 3D. But just as quickly as it was hyped up it was forgotten and abandoned.

Seen any stereoscopic 3D games for PS4? I have to say that was difinately a fad.

If VR outlives Wii, Stereoscopic 3D, and Kinect then it can qualify for more than the next fad. :)


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Re: Should Nintendo release a 2nd virtual boy?
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2016, 12:47:53 pm »
i dont think VR will become main stream, more of a gimick so no
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