I should have mine sent in within a few hours.
I'll also add my own two cents to this, after reading through the thread.
I've done a few SS events elsewhere before, and just want to mention a couple things. One - I think a good wishlist should be comprised only of items that you would be stoked to find under your tree on Xmas day. I think most people probably realize this, but you probably shouldn't put anything on there that is merely just padding a collection, or something you don't care a whole lot about. Granted, it needs to be reasonable and not too tough on your Santa, but don't set them up to underwhelm you with what you might consider to be just a so-so surprise. Two - While I agree to the spending guideline and I think it's a good way to discourage effortless or thoughtless gifts, let's not forget that SS isn't about money, but rather about spreading holiday cheer. I would hope that nobody is counting dollars and change on Xmas day, and that we can trust that good effort was put into each gift, and that everyone should be delighted with what their Santa brought them, given the wishlist they have turned in.