I have a Sony Xperia L and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. This pile of donkey balls is about as functional as a paper washing machine. The memory is tiny, it crashes constantly, it resets itself constantly, it's slow, and virtually no modern apps are supported on it. Never got to play Pokémon Go while the fad was still a thing. Seriously the memory is so small I have to delete apps just to be able to update anything and I don't even have many apps to begin with. And if not all my apps are updated it won't give me any notifications for any apps. And doing the smallest little things can make it crash. One thing that comes to mind is that it crashes for a while whenever end a call. I also can't hang up myself because the screen won't unlock while I'm in a call so I have to wait for the other person to hang up. And don't get me started on trying to watch YouTube videos when my phone's in a bad mood. Christ almighty.
I'm just waiting for my contract to run out at the moment so I can finally be free.

Avert your eyes, lest ye face curse eternal.
Edit: Oh yeah and another favourite feature of mine, it sometimes crashes when my alarm goes off and the alarm is really really really loud so I have to try and cover the speaker with my thumb (the speaker is wider than my thumb) while I wait for it to work again so I don't wake up everyone in the house. Fun times.
Edit 2: Oh and if I spend elongated periods of time using it (by elongated I mean like 20 minutes) the whole thing tends to heat up to temperatures that are literally unsafe for me to hold. I've singed my hand on the thing before trying to use it after it got hot. It burns my leg when I put it back in my pocket. I don't know how the hell the circuitry doesn't melt when that happens.