Author Topic: I know i already asked 2 people on here i like to ask you all too as well  (Read 1410 times)


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Is it ever too late to get into a game series &/or is it ever too late to get even more into a game series & if i choose to?

I'm asking because some are either get remade into HD,HD collection,remixed,HD remixed,HD remixed collection,remastered,HD remastered,remakes & some don't. And I'm just wondering because i mean. What if i love both versions the original & HD,HD collection,remixed,HD remixed,HD remixed collection,remastered & HD remastered & remakes.

Here are some examples to explain why am i asking this question Devil may cry series,Star Ocean,Suikoden,COD,COD Battlefront series & COD modern warfare,Guilty Gear,etc. etc. I'm asking because as 2 good examples is 2 of my favorite games are Suioken Tactics & Star Ocean Til the end of time and they are my only 1st and my only games i have in the series that i have so far. A another example is another 2 of my favorite games is Tales of Abyss & Tales of Vesperia & they are my only 1st 2 games in the series and my only 2 games i have in the series that i have so far.

& yes i admit some series i either never heard of or some series i never played before & i admit some look like good games,some sounds fun games and i was curios if there is a series i might want to get into or if there is a series i might want to get even more into & if i choose to. Is it ever too late. So i thought of asking all of your opinions  too as well & yes Guilty Gear is just 1 of many examples anyway thanks for reading and thanks for your understanding & please be honest when & if you answer this question no matter how harsh it is thanks :).
« Last Edit: October 05, 2016, 09:01:54 am by lordscott »

Serious question, is English your first language?


I'm asking because some are either get remade into HD,HD collection,remixed,HD remixed,HD remixed collection,remastered,HD remastered,remakes & some don't and I'm just wondering because i mean what if i love both versions the original & HD,HD collection,remixed,HD remixed,HD remixed collection,remastered & HD remastered & remakes.

You got me there man.

Its never too late. The only thing I can say that might be a problem is that we are spoiled by modern graphics.
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


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Serious question, is English your first language?

To answer your question yes it is & I'm an American white guy :).

It's never too late to get into a series, but the biggest problem is that it's very easy to encounter spoilers as what's new to you would be common knowledge to anyone in the fandom, making it very easy for plot details and reveals to accidentally slip. After all, to us, we've known for decades that Vader is Luke's father, so it never occurs that people wouldn't know.

The other core problem is that some things do not age well. While some games were revolutionary back in the day, they can really falter when held up to the current generation. Best example I can think of is Goldeneye; While it was one of the biggest FPS games of the era and was one of the core games that helped popularize the genre on consoles, if a person's used to today's FPSs like CoD or Halo, going back to that can be painful.

To answer your question yes it is

No offense intended, but it doesn't really show, as your posts can be rather hard to follow at times. Try reading what you've typed out loud to see if it feels like a natural blurb of conversation.


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It is never too late to get in to a game series - if I am following your question correctly.

I have actually skipped some previous generations in certain series and only played later entries first. Some examples are Code Veronica was my first Resident Evil (Biohazard) game. Final Fantasy VII was my first FF game (was always a Dragon Quest fan before). I'm sure I have many others.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


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I agree. Never too late.

The Remakes if done properly just take a great game and make it better.


Yep, as Dash said, never too late to start up a new series.

As for originals vs. HD remakes, that's all up to you and your gaming preferences. Some people can stand to play games with aged graphics/mechanics/controls/etc., but others need those updates. It's just a matter of preference.


The only time it is too late is when it involves a game you can no longer actually play.


The only time it's to late is when you are dead, so the first thing that you have to do is to look for a good remake cause not all of them are good, play it, complete it and repeat the same process with another good franchise  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy