Is it ever too late to get into a game series &/or is it ever too late to get even more into a game series & if i choose to?
I'm asking because some are either get remade into HD,HD collection,remixed,HD remixed,HD remixed collection,remastered,HD remastered,remakes & some don't. And I'm just wondering because i mean. What if i love both versions the original & HD,HD collection,remixed,HD remixed,HD remixed collection,remastered & HD remastered & remakes.
Here are some examples to explain why am i asking this question Devil may cry series,Star Ocean,Suikoden,COD,COD Battlefront series & COD modern warfare,Guilty Gear,etc. etc. I'm asking because as 2 good examples is 2 of my favorite games are Suioken Tactics & Star Ocean Til the end of time and they are my only 1st and my only games i have in the series that i have so far. A another example is another 2 of my favorite games is Tales of Abyss & Tales of Vesperia & they are my only 1st 2 games in the series and my only 2 games i have in the series that i have so far.
& yes i admit some series i either never heard of or some series i never played before & i admit some look like good games,some sounds fun games and i was curios if there is a series i might want to get into or if there is a series i might want to get even more into & if i choose to. Is it ever too late. So i thought of asking all of your opinions too as well & yes Guilty Gear is just 1 of many examples anyway thanks for reading and thanks for your understanding & please be honest when & if you answer this question no matter how harsh it is thanks
