Author Topic: (PSN) P5 Ryuji Sakamoto Special Theme & Avatar Set available for free 24hrs  (Read 4482 times)


Persona 5 Ryuji Sakamoto Special Theme & Avatar Set available for free on PSN.

For 24 hours?!/en-us/games/avatars/persona-5-ryuji-sakamoto-special-theme-avatar-set/cid=UP2611-CUSA05877_00-THEMEBUNDLE00002

Maybe to help buffer the sting of the delay (though I'm totally ok with it, and the dual audio is a major bonus).
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


I honestly couldn't care less about dual audio. I booked all my remaining annual leave off work from the release date to play it and now I've wasted all my leave and I won't have the time off to play it that I wanted. This really hurts man.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 08:50:36 pm by LeJason »


Thanks for the heads up!