Author Topic: Is it legal to buy,collect and play banned games if it is banned  (Read 989 times)


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Is it legal to buy,collect and play banned games if it is banned
« on: November 18, 2016, 12:17:01 pm »
I'm just wondering since some games are banned and yes I'm including some games are banned here in U.S too as well and i just don't know if it's legal or not legal to buy and add banned to my collection and of course to play them.

and if i choose to and admit there are some here and there that i might want to buy & add to my collection and to play and if i choose to.

So i was just curios Is it legal to buy,collect and play banned games if it is banned?

If you know the answer or if you have experiences to share feel free to share your answers thanks and before you ask no my urge is not that strong and i don't know am i going to buy any.

And i admit some looks like good games to buy, add to my collection and of course to play and if i choose to thanks for reading,thanks for your time and thanks for your answers :).
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 01:03:14 pm by lordscott »


Re: Is it legal to buy,collect & play banned games if it is banned
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2016, 12:23:36 pm »
In most cases, it is only illegal to sell banned games at retail.

There are some cases where it may be illegal to possess a game due to certain content. For example, I would imagine that Mortyr and Mortyr II on PC would be illegal to possess in Germany due to the fact that the game does not censor the Nazi flags in the game. At least in the case of Mortyr II, one can be seen in a screenshot on the back of the box.


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Re: Is it legal to buy,collect & play banned games if it is banned
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2016, 12:44:29 pm »
Remember the hot-coffee thing with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas?

I worked at Blockbuster during that debacle. They made us snap all the games in half, and throw them away. It was just so sad. (They made us do the same thing with the VHSes when they phased those out, too, broke my heart.)

I had to leave one disc intact, put it in with the box of broken discs, and then when taking the box out, I had to pocket a disc to get it home. Because even though they were getting dumped in the trash, Blockbuster would still consider it stealing if we took one home. So stupid.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 01:07:22 pm by burningdoom »


Re: Is it legal to buy,collect & play banned games if it is banned
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2016, 12:54:12 pm »
Take this as constructive criticism and not picking on you but you sir are the king of run-on sentences it would seem and it's hard to really get a fit & feel for what you're trying to ask because you seem to sparingly interject things like "." and "," into your sentences so often times your comments are multiple sentences that are crammed together as one just like this one is and they can be hard to read/comprehend.  ;)

As for your question, as best as I can make of it, you're asking about the legality of selling banned games. I'm trying to think up a game that was banned that fits your criteria and the only one that immediately comes to mind is Kakuto Chojin on Xbox. It got banned for containing religious speech in the game that was considered offensive. It was pulled from store shelves as a result and places like GameStop refused to accept it as a trade-in. I've no idea if new/sealed copies were recalled by Microsoft or not but according to the Wiki on it, they were pressured into destroying unsold copies.

I happened across a used copy at Half-Price Books and picked it up and have seen it again since buying my copy. It's safe to assume they either don't realize it was a banned game or don't care.  :P

Here's a Wiki link regarding your subject

One game that I remembered after looking at that link was The Guy Game. I picked it up on Xbox before the shitstorm hit over there being an underage model (she was 17 at the time of filming, you'd think they would have done their due diligence and carded them all as well as have them sign waivers). I frequently see that game in mom n' pop stores and some have it priced obnoxiously partly because of the nudity and partly because of the controversy/banning.


Re: Is it legal to buy,collect & play banned games if it is banned
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2016, 04:35:36 pm »
Take this as constructive criticism and not picking on you but you sir are the king of run-on sentences it would seem and it's hard to really get a fit & feel for what you're trying to ask because you seem to sparingly interject things like "." and "," into your sentences so often times your comments are multiple sentences that are crammed together as one just like this one is and they can be hard to read/comprehend.  ;)

Did you just write a constructive criticism with run-on sentences about run-on sentences?

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