I've begrudgingly dealt with Apple since moving on to an Android phone. I've kept my iPad even though I also have an LG tablet, mainly because I had all my documents on it and it was familiar. But with each subsequent iTunes update, things just keep getting worse. Two versions ago, my battery life went to shit. This time, battery has gotten worse. I can't swipe my screen to unlock anymore, I have to press the home button a second time. They've fucked up Pages by changing the way you tab. Not only that, when trying to tab back and forth between a document and second app, the screen turns into a checkerboard pattern before reloading. Somehow, songs I have downloaded from iTunes are no longer showing in my purchase history. When I try to find them manually, the song shows I've purchased it, but won't allow me to re-download!

. It does the same shit on my PC.
The final straw was tonight. I bought a physical copy of Metallica's new Hardwired...to self-destruct 3-CD set. Ripped it to my PC with iTunes only to find it impossible to transfer the shit to my phone. No matter what, I couldn't even open the damn file folder! Then, POOF! The album just stops showing that I've even copied it! Nowhere to be found! I then just ripped them with Media Player, did a simple drag & drop and was good to go.
So FU Crapple. I've had enough of your walled-off garden, proprietary cables and shitty iOS updates. Since Steve Jobs passed, your company has gone to shit.
I'm taking my iPad to GameStop tomorrow and trading it in for a Gears 4 external HDD and some extra store credit. At least I'll get some use out of that instead of two hours of beating my head against the wall and raging because iTunes sucks so friggin bad!