I'm really only looking forward to Switch games, because I don't see myself getting the other consoles of next gen.
BuyingThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Wind Waker HD is my favorite Zelda game by a mile, but this may become a close second or equal.
Rime - I haven't seen or heard much about this game, which I love when that happens, but what I have seen has interested me very much. It reminds me very much of Wind Waker and I love that.
Sonic Mania - I am supremely excited for this game, I've wanted a new side scrolling Sonic since the first time I played them in Sonic Mega Collection.
Super Mario Odyssey - I think I'm even more excited for this than Zelda and that's saying something. It gave me such a strong Sunshine vibe while also feeling brand new. I feel like it may replace Sunshine as my favorite Mario game
Skyrim - I've played through Skyrim twice already and I'm looking to go through it a third time, but this time on a Nintendo console.
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ - I've put very many hours into the Wii U version and fully expect to do the same with even more content.
On The FenceSonic Project 2017 - I still don't know enough information to be excited about it, but if it's in the same vein as Sonic Generations I will be excited
Mario Kart 8: Deluxe - I am so conflicted about this. It's my favorite Mario Kart game and it's one of my favorite Wii U games. I am unbelievably excited about King Boo, Bowser Jr., new items, double items, and the new Battle Mode, but I could not care less about the Splatoon content. Plus the price does not excite me, maybe $30-$40 would reasonable, but not $60 for a game I've already put $75+ into. So I'll either have to wait for a price drop or hope for some kind of trade deal.
Overall I'd say I'm pretty excited about this year in gaming.