Favorite 2017 Release: What's your favorite game that you played this year that was released in 2017?Mario odyssey wich I haven;t played yet but I'll get a switch in the beginning of next year.
Least Favorite 2017 Release: On the opposite end, what's your least favorite game released in 2017?I'm not really into new games

Favorite Game Played in 2017: All of us enjoy games from yesteryear. What game this year earns your spot for best game ever? It could be released in 2017 if you like.Nothing to mention to many great games
Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: What's your least favorite game that you played this year?Humans on Gameboy seemed interesting pretty trash not that I'm to fond of gameboy games in the first place.
Sleeper Hit of 2017: What's your personal sleeper hit for 2017?the wild west Ds by majesco
quite a gem on the DS a mix between wild guns and gun smoke kind game.
It was very cheap with some old store stock not to mention pretty unknown to me so i didn't expect to much however it was pretty pricy online for a ds title and not easy to get in europe so i picked it up and I was quite suprised wich doesn't happen allot.
I'd rather play console games but I have to say pretty excellent game. The soundtrack of this game is also quite excellent.
Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: What moment in a game you played this sticks in your head the strongest? Was it something awesome? Something tragic? Something completely over the top? Keep spoilers to a minimum or mark them if you can.Finally playing raiden II again a near arcade perfect port kinda nostalgic to me since i did play it in the arcades as a little kid.
Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017I have had many cool finds this year, the best kinda stories are if people throw extra's in or bring have something else wich is pretty rare sought after for bargain prices since they just found it. Or people who contact you wanting to get rid of the collection fast not to mention not listed on the black market for any other interesting buyers wich means very solid low prices and high quality stuff in larger quantities It's christmas almost every week to many great moments to mention.
As far as accomplishments this year go
Overall I surpassed the 100 mark with sega megadrive games and beefed up many collection quite allot also crossed of many good games including some sought after ones for the collection.
CIB Dreamcast and snes in paticular have increased relatively allot I'm pretty pleased with especially those results since they are pretty sought after and dreamcast supply is pretty limited. Snes is pretty over rated though I'd rather stick with other consoles gameplay wise