Author Topic: Original Xbox: Disk Drive Replacement/Fix?  (Read 1523 times)

Original Xbox: Disk Drive Replacement/Fix?
« on: February 20, 2017, 01:20:30 am »
Hey all!

So, quite some time ago, I posted that my original Xbox was having issues. It would either...

1. Come up with an error message when a disk was inserted, saying it wouldn't read. OR...

2. Would read the disk, it'd play for 10 or 15 minutes, then stop and show a disc read error.

Well, I tried cleaning the laser lens, tray, and spinner. Loaded up Tenchu, plays fine for about 15 minutes, then suddenly the music stops, and we've got the error message. I assume this means that a dirty lens isn't the issue, and the disc drive is. For the record, I have cleaned the disk, and the error persists. I tried a different game and it wouldn't load at all, but that one is very damaged. The Tenchu one looks fine to me.

I was wondering if anyone has repaired a disc drive, or knows a place to get a replacement *cheap*? Ebay wants $50 for a used or new drive for the original Xbox; the price I could basically buy a new console for. I wouldn't have a problem fixing the old one for the most part, except I don't know what's wrong, and trying to find info on the internet hasn't helped much.


PRO Supporter

Re: Original Xbox: Disk Drive Replacement/Fix?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 02:25:11 pm »
Give me your address, I'll send you a working drive. :)

I have 9 xboxes for exactly this reason (parts).

Also Stone Age Gamer sells replacement drives. I bought one from them to fix my first faulty drive.

I soon discovered though that I can find complete consoles at the thrift store for the same price. :)

Re: Original Xbox: Disk Drive Replacement/Fix?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2017, 04:59:06 pm »
Give me your address, I'll send you a working drive. :)

I have 9 xboxes for exactly this reason (parts).

Also Stone Age Gamer sells replacement drives. I bought one from them to fix my first faulty drive.

I soon discovered though that I can find complete consoles at the thrift store for the same price. :)

Was yours also a Thompson drive? Holy crap though, 9 of 'em??? xD

It'd be much appreciated.  ;D I'll contact you on Facebook haha.

Though, if anyone else has ideas for fixing it in the meantime, still feel free to post, as it'd be good knowledge to have!


PRO Supporter

Re: Original Xbox: Disk Drive Replacement/Fix?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2017, 09:26:36 pm »
Don't remember I have some of every kind in different states of "working"

Most common problems are one of two things:

1) drive doesn't eject anymore because the motor to open the drive door becomes weaker than the magnet locking the disc tray. (Easy to detect. Drive refuses to eject.)
2) laser assembly somehow warps due to heat & excessive use. (Harder to detect. Drives that are just starting to fail can work for hours at a time before showing signs.)