Author Topic: Skylanders Imaginator figures for $4.99 / Crystals for $2.99  (Read 4674 times)

Skylanders Imaginator figures for $4.99 / Crystals for $2.99
« on: February 16, 2017, 04:56:26 pm »
For those living in the American midwest, Shopko has individual skylander figures and crystals on sale from now through the 25th.

Unfortunately, the sale is not available online, so you need to go to a store to get them (but you can at least check to see if a local store can do a interstore transfer for a specific one or get a raincheck).


Re: Skylanders Imaginator figures for $4.99 / Crystals for $2.99
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2017, 01:23:38 am »
I never even heard of this place till just now. I went to their website and apparently they have a location about 40 minutes away from me just under the halfway point to Indianapolis. I'd go clean up on those if I could but I've got the Switch coming two weeks from now, car insurance payment due and another subscription about to come up. least the IRS said my refund has been approved.  :P