Author Topic: Atari 5200 with 2600 adapter how high should i bid?  (Read 13666 times)

Atari 5200 with 2600 adapter how high should i bid?
« on: February 11, 2017, 05:39:13 am »
I have amassed a small collection of video games and have most systems i want the only one im lacking that i really want is an atari(and a dreamcast but that not the point), well i have some $ and was going to buy a 2600 but here is a 5200 with 2600 adapter and some classic games seems like a good place to start kind of best of both worlds situation. Just wondering how high you all think i should bid i was talking it over with my wife and she says she thinks i'd be crazy to go over $150 but i was thinking $175-$200 any thoughts from the community of video gamers would be helpful thanks
heres the link ....

Re: Atari 5200 with 2600 adapter how high should i bid?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2017, 06:57:04 am »
I don't have experience with the 5200, but from what videos I've watched, it seems like they have a problem with shitty controllers. So check for that on listings.

As for the console... well, it just depends on what you want. Are there particular games you want to play that are only available on the 5200? If so, are they affordable for you personally? Are they worth the price of entry (price of console)? And, since I'm not familiar with 5200s, does the console tend to have any hardware problems etc. that it's infamous for or prone to? Also, keep in mind that Ataris are very, very easily emulated too. Obviously most of us like to have physical merch, but that's another thing to consider as far as price of entry goes.

Personally, unless you have some specific games you really want a 5200 for, I might pass on it. While it's true that you'd save money down the road by buying a system that plays 5200 and 2600 games, you may also come to realize that you do or don't particularly like that console/it's games as you collect more of them. Hell, for $65 buy it now on Ebay you can get a 2600 jr and 10 games (approximately 1/3rd of the maximum you're willing to spend right now). I also found this 2 port model of the 5200 for a much cheaper buy it now price than you were looking at.

Hell, here's two of 'em haha.

So in a sense, i guess since 5200s are around the same price, you could go with one of those if you really want. But remember the above questions, and also look into the controller situation. I don't know how popular garage sales are around your area, but I guess it's always possible you could find a system at a pawn shop or something for cheaper, too (probably not a 5200, but a 2600 maybe).

In any case, I'd lower my budget. Looks like you should be able to get started for under $100 easily.

Personally, I'm not an Atari guy, so maybe others will chime in. I have a 2600 and will pick up a game for a buck now and then (Atari game art is among my favorite kind), but I usually just emulate since it's more convenient.

*EDIT: And obviously, call/check out your local (nor not so local haha) retro shops! Even if they don't have the system, you can see if they have games (that way you can buy locally/semi-locally, Ebay prices can suck it lol). It's good to have a source instead of having to buy off the internet all the time. My not-so-local Game X-Change mostly had 2600 stuff, but there was a 5200 game or two popped in there as well, I think. And maybe an Intellivison and/or pong system, I'm gonna have to check it out next time...
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 07:03:13 am by fauxshot »

Re: Atari 5200 with 2600 adapter how high should i bid?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2017, 09:05:53 am »
If you are going to buy the video game version of bashing your head against the wall, try the Atariage marketplace first. Ebay is a crapshoot and when a seller describes a 5200 as "working" it doesn't mean it's working well. I'm not going to bash the 5200 but I went with an 800XL computer over a 5200 as it had mostly the same games, plus several hundred more, and you could use standard 9 pin joysticks, a genesis pad, etc.

For you, I'd stick with the 2600. Unless you're really jonesing for a 5200 exclusive title to play, you're not really missing anything with the 5200 library and a console that will need more maintenance than a 20 year old car.

Re: Atari 5200 with 2600 adapter how high should i bid?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2017, 09:13:50 am »
Watch the Metal Jesus video on the 5200 it should give you a good idea as to what you can  look forward to

Re: Atari 5200 with 2600 adapter how high should i bid?
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2017, 09:16:51 am »
If you are going to buy the video game version of bashing your head against the wall, try the Atariage marketplace first. Ebay is a crapshoot and when a seller describes a 5200 as "working" it doesn't mean it's working well. I'm not going to bash the 5200 but I went with an 800XL computer over a 5200 as it had mostly the same games, plus several hundred more, and you could use standard 9 pin joysticks, a genesis pad, etc.

For you, I'd stick with the 2600. Unless you're really jonesing for a 5200 exclusive title to play, you're not really missing anything with the 5200 library and a console that will need more maintenance than a 20 year old car.

Shit, I totally forgot about the controller port issue. :o

In any case, let us know what you pick up!

Re: Atari 5200 with 2600 adapter how high should i bid?
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2017, 10:14:43 pm »
prolly just grab a 2600 all the games i want are available for that, Thank you everyone for your input and yes i know ebay can be a crapshoot as i have bought to many items described as working that were half working or not at all my favorite is when you get a nes snes game and someone says pins cleaned you get the game and its clear they used alcohol and papertowel(litterally had paper towel chunks stuck in cart one time) or just wiped the dust off. thanks again everyone and happy gaming