I like some anime, but no more so than any other genre. The western interpretation of Otaku, which basically seems to mean 'likes anime more than other artforms', makes little sense to me due to how varied anime is in both plot and style. The relativism of how some no-effort random slice of life show about clumsy, big-breasted waifu #164 is automatically better than western animated shows because it comes from Japan always baffled me. Despite knowing this isn't how all self-labeled Otakus feel, it is the vocal majority. I've been following
One Piece for a decade for example, and it's one of my favorite stories in fiction, not as important to me as something like
The Simpsons, but above other Western animation I do like a lot. I just take each individual work of animation for what it is, and not it's country of origin, something that seems counter to accepting a constricting title like Otaku. Or maybe I am just looking way to far into it and people just call themselves Otaku when they like any anime at all, like
Shigi no Furtatsu Monogotari: I Ruv the Wolfgirl!! or whatever.
This is my graduate thesis on Otaku, I hope you rike it. Please 5 star, like, rate, comment, share, tweet, re-tweet and subscribe.