Author Topic: Buying an XBox 360  (Read 3128 times)


Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2017, 02:16:04 am »
I appreciate all the replies! Thank you, guys!

Since I've never owned any XBox, to tell the truth, the only game I've always REALLY wanted to play on the console was Ace Combat 6... Haha!

So, if I understand it well, there are basically 3 different models, am I right?
Yesterday, I saw a model 1 XBox 360 with 160GB HDD for ¥2,900 (around US$25.00) with a one month warranty. I'm guessing that this would be a good deal. What do you guys think?

You'll need to track down the flight stick bundle!  ;)


Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2017, 12:35:19 pm »
I love my Xbox 360 but man did I go through a lot of them. I brought day one and had to switch it out about every 6 to 9 months. Stupid red ring. It wasn't until I got the black slim model did those problems stop. It has become my main gaming systems upstairs and my netflix box in the bed room.


Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2017, 12:14:05 pm »
In an miracle-like deal, I was able to get a 250GB Slim model in box for around US$35,00!

I am finally playing Ace Combat 6 (a game that I wanted to play for the last 10 years). I also got all the Gears of War games and some other stuff that are cheaper on the Xbox 360 than on the PS3.

I still have some doubts on how does the backwards compatibility with the original Xbox works, though. If I buy the disc of a game such as Panzer Dragoon Orta, will I be able to play it on the Xbox 360? Also, I've been a satisfied PSN Plus user for many years now, but is it worthwhile to pay for Xbox Live Gold to use it only with the Xbox 360?

Once again I appreciate all the replies!
Thanks for the help, guys!


Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2017, 01:38:46 pm »
I still have some doubts on how does the backwards compatibility with the original Xbox works, though. If I buy the disc of a game such as Panzer Dragoon Orta, will I be able to play it on the Xbox 360?

Yes you'll be able to play it cause it appears at the list of compatible titles:

Also, I've been a satisfied PSN Plus user for many years now, but is it worthwhile to pay for Xbox Live Gold to use it only with the Xbox 360?

In my personal opinion my answer would be a NO cause I don't play that much online but for the Gears of War titles is a must play online  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2017, 02:25:02 pm »
I still have some doubts on how does the backwards compatibility with the original Xbox works, though. If I buy the disc of a game such as Panzer Dragoon Orta, will I be able to play it on the Xbox 360? Also, I've been a satisfied PSN Plus user for many years now, but is it worthwhile to pay for Xbox Live Gold to use it only with the Xbox 360?

Around 1/3 of  the original xbox library is backwards compatible with the 360. Panzer Dragoon Orta is fortunately one of those games.

As for Xbox live, yes it's worth it (make sure you get the 1 year cards though, as when they're on sale, you can get them as low as $35-40). Like with PS+, Microsoft offers 4 free games per month (2 360, 2 One) for gold users. The 360 games remain playable even if your Gold runs out while the One games will deactivate while your gold is lapsed. However, you can still add the One games to your collection even if you don't have a One, so that by the time you get one, you'll have a decently sized library. Also, all Games with Gold games offered for the 360 are playable on the One. Additionally, Microsoft also has weekly sales for Gold users, you if you find those deals attractive, it will be worth it in the long run.


Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2017, 02:39:57 pm »
while the One games will deactivate while your gold is lapsed

No shit, really ?, with this I don't want it anymore mainly because a friend told me that I need to have always an internet connection to play even when I almost hate to play online also if I buy a One would have literally nothing to play, the library must be good enough for a lot of players but for me the only title that took my attention is the Gears of War 4 (no offense to anybody) guess that will have to move on and search for a Wii U then  :-\

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2017, 02:56:32 pm »
while the One games will deactivate while your gold is lapsed

No shit, really ?, with this I don't want it anymore mainly because a friend told me that I need to have always an internet connection to play even when I almost hate to play online also if I buy a One would have literally nothing to play, the library must be good enough for a lot of players but for me the only title that took my attention is the Gears of War 4 (no offense to anybody) guess that will have to move on and search for a Wii U then  :-\

The free 360 titles will not not go away without Gold, and the One titles will return when you have a Gold subscription again.

Wii U gives out exactly 0 free titles.


Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2017, 03:06:39 pm »
Shit still needs to practice my English, already know that the 360 titles wont gonna go away as soon as I run out the live service, have been playing without this service for years but since always took my console every time that we go on a trip to my family ranch were we don't even have electricity, have to use the power supply machine that my grandpa has to play, yes am not kidding, the internet service is something that they don't know and that my old man says it's a Satan thing (eso es cosa del diablo) anyway about the Wii U it will gonna give me free titles, trust me  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2017, 11:40:42 pm »
a friend told me that I need to have always an internet connection to play

Not quite true. With purchases on the Xbox consoles, there are two licenses involved, one for the console, and one for the gamertag. If a downloadable item is accessed on the 360 console it was purchased on, or for a One, the console set as a particular tag's home console, then they can be accessed offline.

If however, you only have the account license (i.e. downloading your account onto a friend's xbox or using each other's Ones as home consoles for game sharing), then you must remain connected to the internet with that tag to be able to access that content.


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Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2017, 12:57:03 pm »
^ Some games it doesn't matter if you're on the console you bought it on or not, and that's true on the 360 as well as the One.

An indie game I got, "Breath of Death" (old-school Dragon Quest clone), will not play offline, period. So I wasted my money on it since my XBox 360 is the wired-in model, and it's too far away from the modem to keep it wired it. It's not the only one, either.

Re: Buying an XBox 360
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2017, 07:13:13 pm »
^ Some games it doesn't matter if you're on the console you bought it on or not, and that's true on the 360 as well as the One.

An indie game I got, "Breath of Death" (old-school Dragon Quest clone), will not play offline, period. So I wasted my money on it since my XBox 360 is the wired-in model, and it's too far away from the modem to keep it wired it. It's not the only one, either.

Technically, you could get one of the wireless adapters for that, but I can't suggest buying a $30-40 accessory for a $1 game.