Today I have REALLY exciting news! I was out and about on my usual exploration looking for NES & V-Smile games when I decided to check a place I usually don't. There is this small little pawn shop that I went into once and found nothing but the usual fare (power tools, katanas, VCRs and printing presses, you know) but today I decided to give them another look. I was just looking through the glass cases when I saw it... a grey Nintendo World Championship cartridge! My heart was racing as I asked the old lady at the counter how much it was. She told me it was 'one of those Nintendos' and that she would give it to me for $20. I could hardly keep my composure but I asked if $15 was alright in an attempt to conceal the value of the item. She said it was fine and I have NEVER raced out of a store so fast. Of course, there was a chance that this was a fake cartridge and I had to open it up to inspect it. I have this documented for you.

I had to carefully open up the cartridge first, of course. As I did I was sweating bullets, I had to be as careful as possible to not damage it in any way, even the slightest bit of dust touching the board would be a huge failure on my part.
I was sitting there, trembling, puking my guts out, so nervous to ask my very first NWC cartridge to the senior prom before I even noticed something else about it. After the shock wore out and my erection slowly went away I had over looked something about the cartridge... oh my god... it coulden't be...
The only known copy of Half-Life 3 was inside the cartridge as well!
What an exciting day! What an exciting
April 1st! I've never had such an exciting
April 1st! On this
April, fools would be the only ones not excited! Freaking ugly, stupid, dumb and hairy
fools! At any rate, I carefully put the board back into the cartridge, making sure to situate it just right for it's new eternity sealed in a glass case.
Hi, I'm Hexen, otherwise known by my real name Jonathan Gerald Smith-Douglas, by profession I am a stage magician. The more keen eyed among you may have figured this out, but for the majority who haven't I would like to put your fears to rest - this was NOT a real NWC cartridge and what you saw was only a well crafted illusion for April Fool's day! In actuality, this was but a worthless copy of Little Samson I worked my magic on to play a fun trick. If you would like to know how I did it in intricate detail, please visit my website and order my DVD!
Jonathan Gerald Smith-Douglas' Guide to Prestigious Prestidigitation, only $19.99!