Author Topic: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way  (Read 5073 times)


Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2017, 06:37:29 pm »
Kinda surprised that nobody mentioned Moon Patrol, seriously what's wrong with you people ?!  :'(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2017, 11:34:06 am »
Theyre too old to ever be properly enjoyed imho. i consider the snes as old as i can go back and still enjoy playing the games. >.<

Yes it is a certainly an issue as time goes on. I have taken quite a break (at least 10 years) from playing anything of that era. I think that perhaps what I will end up doing is going back and (attempt to at least) play things in chronological order, starting with the oldest and working up. You can't really just go into play a 2600 game the same day you played something more modern.


Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2017, 01:57:12 pm »
2600 was before my time but actually we did get one as kids. I think someone gave it to my parents through their work one day, and it came with most of the common games. We were amused with it for a short while but even then it couldnt hold a candle to the SNES or Genesis. It was the first console to spark that "retro" game interest in me.

Haven't played in years. I've thought about just picking up the compilations on PS4.  I don't think I even have one of those converter boxes and no televisions that support those terminal things anymore.

But yeah Kaboom, Space Invaders, Breakout, Pitfall, even games like Combat, and Basketball were a good time if you have someone to play with.


Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2017, 03:32:26 am »
I love atari. Everytime i hook it up I end up messing around with it for a couple hours easy.
Nowadays i mostly pick up homebrews because the games I'm still missing are all very rare and expensive.
Don't find many Atari collector's around here but i've found a few. Going to the midwest gaming classic this weekend maybe i'll find something for Atari.  ;)
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2017, 05:23:40 pm »
Many nights I will run through about a dozen cartridges before going to sleep at night. I try to cycle through different parts of the collection but I have a few regular go to games.

A few favorites:
California Games
Circus Atari
Dig Dug
Donkey Kong
Missile Command
Joust (Flying Eggs FTW)
Jungle Hunt
Space Invaders
River Raid
Spy Hunter
Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
Yar's Revenge

I also carry an Atari Flashback Portable in my jacket pocket most days. Many games can be played in a couple minutes per session making it a perfect device for killing time when standing in line or waiting on something, the phone can stay in the pocket.


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Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2017, 09:09:28 am »
Oddly enough, I picked up one of those Plug 'n' Play Atari controller things this weekend.  It was $2.  I figure I might get that much fun out of it.


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Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2017, 05:45:21 pm »
Atari 2600 was my first console so it will always hold a special place in my gaming heart.

Some of my favorites are:
Street Racer
Crystal Castles
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


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Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2017, 05:29:44 pm »
haven't played in a while but i still love adventure,kaboom and haunted house.and highly recommend you give adventure and kaboom another chance.


Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2017, 07:47:00 pm »
I have somewhere around 300 2600 games and 3 systems. So yeah, I play Atari once in a while.
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Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2017, 07:11:40 am »
My collection consists over 100 games weird controllers and do dad's my favorite games hands down would be megamania (and just about every Activision title) and spit fire attack oh and frogger is timeless classic I pretty much collect the"different" carts Milton Bradley, Activision, and spectra titles were the top carts I sought out.


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Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2017, 10:18:16 pm »
another game I didn't see mentioned was Starmaster what a great game.

Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2017, 10:08:39 am »
I was born in 1990. I played Gameboy and NES in 1995, so those are like the "bare minimum" a game is supposed to be for me. It makes it difficult for me to relate to the Atari 2600 experience.

However, I love Atari arcade games (Centipede, Battlezone, Missile Command, Black Widow, Tempest, etc). But I don't prefer the home versions of those. To me, that feels like playing the Super Nintendo version of Doom today.

Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2017, 08:58:09 am »
I had a small collection of about 50-75 Atari 2600 games.  I only played them intermittently.  I enjoyed them, but I didn't think it was worth the hassle to drag out the console and controllers just to play them.

I sold all of my 2600 stuff, and now if I want to play the games I just pick up a comp disk that has the games on there.


Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2018, 07:47:26 pm »
I was just playing my Activation Anthology for my PlayStation 2. And was thinking, about how many people in this world or on VG collect,  ever play Atari originals or Atari 2600 homebrews?

in any way whether it is a Harmony cartridge. Or a PC ROM, or on a compilation game for a more modern system.

I never been to Atari age forums before. But I've heard of them before

If so then name some of your favorite games and then your least favorites, it don't matter how you play the games either
 here is some of my most favorites

1: Asteroids
2: Demon Attack
3: River Raid
4: Boxing
5: Enduro .
6: Pong
7: Breakout
8: Super Breakout
9: Frontline
10: Batttlezone
11: Robot Tank
12: Centipede
13: Chopper Command
14: Demons To Diamonds

My least Favorites:
1: Grand Prix
2: Barnstormer
3: Adventure
4: Earthworld Fireworld and Waterworld
5: Kaboom
6: Canyon Bomber
7: Casino Games
8: Backgammon
9: Dolphin
10: Dragster

I plan on getting an Atari soon myself. May I suggest you try a couple of games called Jungle Hunt and Pitfall. Both were so much fun when I was growing up.


Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2020, 05:48:00 am »
Atari 2020 has been delayed, and personally I never knew it existed until today when I typed in Atari 2600/VCS game into my internet browser.

I often wounder how this console will take off if it ever does get a release, I am a sucker for old games, but like I just typed in another thread. I would rather play an Atari2600 game than a tiger handheld game in which is also said to come back as well
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