That sucks. I'm not sure about your experience with Kickstarters prior to that, but in the few I've done I always take it with the foreknowledge it may be a risk of completely failing, but I'd heard all the horror stories prior to donating to my first Kickstarter.
I've done 5, I believe. TFYC's Afterlife Empire & Pat Contri's NES Guide completed and I got everything. Yooka-Laylee (which canceled the Wii U version I originally selected, but got a chance to change) is just around the corner, and I trust the creators behind Bloodstained.
Psychonauts 2 I took a known risk on, because Double Fine already screwed the pooch on Broken Age and Spacebase DF-9, but I really want that game to exist. In the not impossible chance Timmy boy fudges it up again, I was prepared to eat the cost, which is kind of the name of the party in Kickstarter. I understand not wanting to get bait-and-switched and take it sitting down on principal, but as has been proven time and time again with colossal failures many degrees higher than your current situation there is little to be done. It would certainly not hurt to pester them for a refund, persistence can force some into going your way just to have you leave them alone. As anticlimactic as it is, I would probably eat the cost myself. You are still getting something, unlike a lot of worse failures where no one got anything, and you could always resell what you get, perhaps even at a profit. If you're really stubborn you could try some kind of legal action, but it's unlikely to succeed and not worth $130.
Whatever happens, I hope you can get things resolved in a satisfactory manner.