Author Topic: Metals0na - NEW JRPG-style Kickstarter!!!  (Read 872 times)

Metals0na - NEW JRPG-style Kickstarter!!!
« on: April 11, 2017, 10:45:58 am »
I would normally be posting this on the stickied Kickstarter thread in the Modern Games sub-forum, but this Kickstarter is very special because my good friend is actually behind this one!

A little about the my friend, Loren, the creator of this project, and the project itself.

I met Loren via the local collecting community here in Colorado about 4-years ago. For years he was an avid video game collector, at one time amassing a very impressive collection of retro games; particularly JRPGs, his favorite genre. However, his real ambition was to make a game just as awesome as many that he grew up playing like Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, and Panzer Dragoon Saga to name a few. About a year ago he made a huge decision and sold the majority of his collection in order to fund his dream of making his own JRPG-style gaming using traditional turn based combat in combination with various other combat elements to make battles more dynamic and interesting. After a year of work and literally hundreds of hours of creating a concept and gameplay, he has finally released his Kickstarter this morning. Metals0na.

The Kickstarter page will do the game more justice than I ever could by explaining it here, but I posted some pics on here for you too see before clicking on it.


Re: Metals0na - NEW JRPG-style Kickstarter!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2017, 02:33:24 pm »
I'll wait and see if LRG jumps on this.


Re: Metals0na - NEW JRPG-style Kickstarter!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2017, 05:59:27 pm »
Yeah I have to have physical disk before I can invest any money in this.


Re: Metals0na - NEW JRPG-style Kickstarter!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2017, 04:39:44 pm »
Well, I got the 48 hour reminder on the kickstarter. Its pretty far from getting funded sadly. The game looks pretty interesting.

You should get with your creator buddy to get this game finished and then to LRG to get this game physically finished.


Re: Metals0na - NEW JRPG-style Kickstarter!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2017, 04:41:17 pm »
Btw, if there does get to be a legitmate PS4 physical copy, Id 100% be in for that sweet looking collector's box in the first pic of this thread.


Re: Metals0na - NEW JRPG-style Kickstarter!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2017, 05:46:55 pm »
if they make the PS4 / Switch goal I'll support the game, I have no interest in the PC version.
"Happy game hunting!!!"