So now what? Do I just give up on having my collection have consistent and nice-looking art from the most official and reliable sources, because the moderators don't approve it? Not to mention the digital game descriptions that got rejected even though they are the OFFICIAL descriptions for the DIGITAL VERSIONS of the games...
2 things here.
1. The image change should be accepted if it is truly what the image SHOULD be, regardless of conformity and consistency.
2. Digital games "descriptions" are in contention right now, because we talk about whether or not the "description" from the game's page should go in the "box text" or "description" field. Personally, I feel that the description from the game's page should go in the "box text" because that is essentially what it is, box text. Description is supposed to be a different kind of information. But again, it's all kind of constantly contended.
Personally, I've stopped adding descriptions/box text to listings because I just don't know when an admin is going to accept it or reject it, so it's just not worth it from my standpoint. I've gotten edits accepted AND rejected in description, in box text, including safety information, not including safety information. There is no solid consistency from the moderators, so me personally, I just gave up.