Author Topic: What 2 video game characters do you think would make a cute couple?  (Read 1039 times)

Which imaginary video game couple do you ship the most? :D.

For me Kirby and Jiggly puff is so adorable.  The amount of cuteness contained in one relationship is remarkable.   Plus Kirby is confirmed a boy while Jigglypuff is typically considered a girl.   Both a small puffy pink ball shaped characters.  :)   Imagine Jigglypuff singing the Jigglypuff song to put Kirby to sleep when he is stressed or tired at night.  Or Kirby inhaling Jigglypuff and stealing her abilities all the time.  It would be so insta worthy and relationship goals.

I also think Kratos and Bayonetta would be a pretty amazing power couple.  :D   Less cute and more just sexy and violent like the two franchises typically are.   

What 2 video game characters that arent already dating would you want to see pass eachother notes in class or go out for ice cream at friendly's   :)

« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 06:16:49 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Nathan Drake & Lara Croft.

Nathan Drake & Lara Croft.
This is the first thing that popped into my head, but I'd never tear Nathan and Elena apart


I think that at least a crossover between Uncharted and Tomb Raider has all the potential to be one of the gratest games ever made...

This is the first thing that popped into my head, but I'd never tear Nathan and Elena apart
Yeah... After seeing them in Uncharted 4, I can say that Elena and Drake are very cute together too and I kinda understand how they complete each other... But I still prefer Chloe and, in during the second game, I thought she was the perfect partner to Nate.


I always felt that Crono should have ended up with Lucca. Marle is one of my least favorite video game characters.


Toad (Nintendo) and Fat Princess (PlayStation)