Author Topic: Tianli / Sega Genesis Mega Drive DVD Game Player TL-D2000G  (Read 3567 times)

Tianli / Sega Genesis Mega Drive DVD Game Player TL-D2000G
« on: February 13, 2017, 05:03:32 pm »
I recently acquired a Tianli/Sega TL-D2000G DVD game player. These were originally only distributed in the Chinese mainland, and a  number of  different VCD and DVD player models were made over a few years. Some of the parts inside are from the Sega Genesis and there are even 2 controller ports that should be compatible with Sega Genesis controllers.  The one I bought, oddly enough, does not display the Sega logo anywhere on it unlike the earlier VCD units of which there are photos of online.  I was wondering why. I cannot find any photos of this particuliar model, though Sega retro does mention it exists on their Tianli electronics page.

 anyone else have any thoughts on this or is familiar with the hardware?

« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 05:05:26 pm by justinius »


Re: Tianli / Sega Genesis Mega Drive DVD Game Player TL-D2000G
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2017, 10:52:48 pm »
Very insteresting! I didn't even know this thing existed...

I can see "天利" (which is read "tenri" in Japanese, so I suppose this is how you write "Tianli" in Chinese) written in the back of the DVD player.
I am no specialist in Chinese language, but looking at the internet, I found out that the characters for Sega are supposed to be "世嘉".
Can't you find them somewhere in the equipment?

Re: Tianli / Sega Genesis Mega Drive DVD Game Player TL-D2000G
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2017, 01:21:24 pm »
Very insteresting! I didn't even know this thing existed...

I can see "天利" (which is read "tenri" in Japanese, so I suppose this is how you write "Tianli" in Chinese) written in the back of the DVD player.
I am no specialist in Chinese language, but looking at the internet, I found out that the characters for Sega are supposed to be "世嘉".
Can't you find them somewhere in the equipment?

I will check for that, but  I doubt Sega's logo would appear in Chinese characters. The older VCD units seem to have the logo on the front in Roman script.  There is definitely Mega Drive hardware inside, though, like the earlier VCD players. no idea what type of game it would play and if Roms/ISOs are available, unlike the VCD where people have found some games.


Re: Tianli / Sega Genesis Mega Drive DVD Game Player TL-D2000G
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2017, 10:34:24 pm »
I know this topic is a bit old, but the Sega Retro page for this barely has any information. Apparently Tianli made a few other models besides this one, and they also made Game VCD players as well. Pretty cool to see one of these! The company is now defunct, so their website is no longer on the web. (Though it may have been picked up by the wayback machine... and it'll be in Chinese anyways.)