Author Topic: What would your game be?  (Read 1575 times)

What would your game be?
« on: May 26, 2017, 05:43:31 am »
I believe me or someone else might've done this awhile back, but I find it fun to think up games I'd really like to see that haven't been done yet and could make for a fun time.

I got the idea this time watching some slick promo for a likely lame mobile game, but it got me thinking about a zombie game, but with a military force.  Not side games with wave based zombies, or solo survival ventures, but like Battlefield World War Z.  Large scale maps, destructible terrain, hefty weaponry, multiple zombie types and massive amounts of zombies, it's something I'm surprised was never done when zombies had way more hype going on.  Everyone was trying to just latch onto like DayZ, or Call of Duty Zombies, but nothing else outside of the Walking Dead story games, Dead Island/Dying Light, or Left 4 Dead and State of Decay.  People complained about the amount of zombie games at a point, but like there aren't a ton of a really good zombie games.

For this, like I said, bigger, more open maps.  Modern military weaponry, though limited to some degree, as it could be set abit deeper into the infection cycle, so tanks and heavy vehicles are used sparingly, minimal air support, local communication only.  Not only would there be zombies and mutated types, but it would also have roaming gangs trying to get military hardware for themselves or going as far as foreign invasion utilizing the infection as a way to take over, so Red Dawn meets World War Z meets Battlefield lol I think there's a fun game in this with a good story to.

Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2017, 07:36:09 am »
My idea for a dream game is Giant Black Sea Slug the video game. :D.   It is in the works currently and details the enthralling journey of a prideful giant black Sea Slug off the Pacific Coast named Simon as he tries to avenge his farther's death from the evil menacing claws of Karl Krab :).  Simon will not stop until he has killed every last king and blue krab along the california coast line.  He wants blood and he will only show the mercy he was showed.  The first game of it's kind to feature a slug as the protagonist and it really flips over the hidden secrets of the every day struggles and tribulations of a slug. Hopefully bethesda will call back soon. :D

But a new idea for a game i have is called  The Trees Know.....      It is a dark cryptic 3rd person horror sci fi thriller where you battle never ending mobs of vicious walking trees that try to consume you as compost fertilizer for their nutrients. They suck your through their roots and become larger and more terrifying.  And they scream and they cry.  Dripping acid from their leaves from the pollution of the evil humans.    The trees have long sat back and waited as you polluted their eco system and now they want to devour you and turn you into their sustainable food supply as they try to rebuild their kind after the humans have hurt them so badly by the year 2028.  Play as protagonist?  Or antagonist  Sir. William Woodchipper  as he kicks the dust of his reciprocating chain saw and cuts himself so oak chunks.  Join dozens of other farmers online or play solo in a very deep and engaging story line as you have to survive hoardes of the un dead trees....  ripping through the gound as they try to consume all in sight.  Chop them limb for limb as you try to assert yourself as the prime specimen.    It's agriculture versus mammal.   The forrest awaits.   What will happen after the massacre has occured?   Find out once every last drop of maple sap drips from your bloodied body.    It's  World War Three?   No...   It's world war tree!!!!         Coming this fall   :D

I also have other ideas for video games as well :)

Charles Manson Adventures  :D    Play as the ultimate cult mastermind charlie himself as he breaks out of prison and tries to pick up where he left off. 


Bowser's dad adventures     The untold dark story of child abuse and alcoholism that plagues the ultimate villain from our childhood Bowser's life.  The pain he has felt and the scars he carries and his inability to cope without kidnapping princess peach.  Peach being the woman he longs to turn into a sacred mother for his motherless son bowser Jr.  who's mother died of heroine overdose when he was 5.   Bowser balances all this while being a single dad at a dead end job with no love and while getting stomped into lava by Mario everytime he tries to find someone to call him theirs.   Relived Bowser's childhood and why his father left him.  Where his mother went and why he is a single dad alone in a dark and cold world that abandoned him.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 07:38:34 am by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2017, 08:04:49 am »
I saw a post somewhere on the web about a game idea.

Basically the game is advertised and sold as a Jurassic Park builder.  What the devs never tell you or show you, even the review copies leave it out, is that when the game ends and the credits roll, everything stops and alarms start blaring.  The game turns into a survival horror game where the better you do in the first part of the game, the harder time you'll have in the second part of the game.  And that... is when the game really starts.


Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2017, 10:03:33 am »
I've had several ideas, some way beyond my skill, some I have tinkered with on Game Maker.

My absolute dream game to make would be a Bethesda-style western RPG set in a world destroyed by Lovecraftian style inter-dimensional creatures. A few years back I wrote a full length choose-your-own-adventure book where I came up with the skeleton for the story and through-out the years I've been jotting down ideas for quest, main story and setting although sadly I have no skill with 3D modeling. Basic plot involves a large countryside area surrounded by mountains that commonly is attacked by lesser interdimentional horrors, with legends of greater ancient gods who merely looking at causes instant madness. Story begins when one of these greater ancient gods appears in your village, instantly destroying the mind of everyone who sees it, but your character sees it and somehow survives, giving them power over madness. The countryside area contains scattered villages and towns and ruins. Later, it is reveal that outside the mountain range in all four directions are the ruins of huge cities, completely overrun with monsters and worshipers of 4 greater ancient ones:

Icha'Wachi, an entire dimension made up of it's horrid internal organs
The Dreamer, a giant tentacled eye-ball creature keeper of knowledge in it's own real, The City of Ice
Fantos, a mindless apex predator in a realm of horrible creatures
and one more I haven't named yet, who cannot die but outside of it's own realm it's body decays at a massive rate, causing it to constantly and haphazardly sticking it's body back together outside it's realm.

It is discovered near the climax of the main story the reason the outer cities are so much more infested then the countryside is it resides on the body of a giant ancient god who might see people living on it's body like parasites when it awakens. After it is dealt with at the end, it is revealed the countryside and cities where ripped from a larger world being within the giant ancient god's realm, depositing it back into a world of endless corrupted ruins of human civilization (Think New York City covering all land in every direction).

This is the cover of my Choose Your Own Adventure. The middle row contains Icha'Wachi, The Dreamer and Fantos. The other two major ancient gods I came up with after this for the game.

I've written like 100 quests for this, but they'll sadly likely remain on paper only.

Another one I actually can do with some work is my idea for a light-hearted cowboy themed Metroidvania. It'll have all kinds of ridiculous animals and non-sentient things as western themed enemies in a largely comedic adventure. I can do everything required to make this game, though i still have trouble getting 2D physics to work perfectly... I can never seem to get it 100% glitch-free. I also am somewhat skeptical of my own artistic ability... I could make all the sprites look passable, but nothing like the 16-bit art I would really want.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2017, 10:49:08 am »
Pinkscare would be the title of my game. It would be 2D, turn-based beat 'em up with RPG elements. The main character would be created by the player.  The enemies would be these pink monsters in Nazi-esque uniforms. The world would be post-WWII North America. Yeah, I'd like that.

Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2017, 02:29:14 pm »
I saw a post somewhere on the web about a game idea.

Basically the game is advertised and sold as a Jurassic Park builder.  What the devs never tell you or show you, even the review copies leave it out, is that when the game ends and the credits roll, everything stops and alarms start blaring.  The game turns into a survival horror game where the better you do in the first part of the game, the harder time you'll have in the second part of the game.  And that... is when the game really starts.

I kinda love that idea, even if it wasn't secret.  Really, I'd just be totally into a new survival horror Jurassic Park game lol Like Alien: Isolation, but with Dino's! Honestly surprised no one has tried yet with how popular Jurassic World was.


Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2017, 04:09:59 pm »
A game where all you do is go around collecting video games, between working a crappy job and not making much money you go out trying to score good deals on old school games, and maybe have some knock offs of some of the classics that you can actually play in-game. A lot of the rare games would be ultra crappy when you play them. But you'd have to be careful because traders can cheat you, your games can be stolen, if you don't check in the box before you buy they might not be in there, people might overcharge if you don't check the values, etc. The goal is to build a game collection and then have it evaluated at a convention for funny prize titles based on the specifics of your collection. If you do well enough you might have the option to sell it all and retire.

Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2017, 08:33:48 pm »
There is one idea I'm still really attached too. It's tentative title is Error #404. The game would be a 2D Action game (though turn-based RPG may work better with the concept, I just think a 2D Action game would be so much cooler). The idea is that you're a videogame character whose world gets overrun by errors, bugs and glitches. It's your job to travel to the corrupted game world, defeat the controllers of these glitches, and save your world from total corruption.

You can play the levels in any order. At the end of every level there's a boss, and the attack patterns of these bosses center around a certain type of glitch. Think graphics corruption, collision detection, input errors, and so on. Once you defeat a boss, you'll learn how to trigger that boss's glitch for yourself, similair to the robot masters from Mega Man. You could use the collision detection to glitch through the floor and find new areas, or use the graphics corruption glitch to corrupt enemies and dispatch of them, or use AI errors to corrupt the enemies' AI to attack eachother, there are many possibilities here!

I really like messing around with glitches in games (who doesn't?), and I think this would be a supercool way to make a really inventive action game!
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2017, 03:12:08 pm »
I still would love to see a modern smash tv as a first person shooter. Some games like serious Sam approximate this where you get locked in a room with wage after wave coming at you. But I would like to have a game really dive into the core of that. No story or plot besides game show. Ridiculously overpowered. Tons of trash enemies with a few powerful ones appearing.

I would love it.

Also thought of a text adventure where you are at a console in a locked room. You have access to surveilence equipment of some type. And having to navigate a person to you room to help you and them escape while avoiding the danger whether it is a monster. Evil group of humans etc.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....

Re: What would your game be?
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2017, 03:44:18 pm »
Also thought of a text adventure where you are at a console in a locked room. You have access to surveilence equipment of some type. And having to navigate a person to you room to help you and them escape while avoiding the danger whether it is a monster. Evil group of humans etc.

That sounds interesting in like a VR setup.  Two person multiplayer, like "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes", where the one person relies entirely on the other, but in this situation, it would be entirely through text that comes up on their HUD.  It could be a very interesting co-op experience.