Hi there, new here, yada-yada...
I made some edits to some entries, and some stuff got rejected, which I'm not going to make a fuzz about, as I'm mostly here to keep tabs on my collection. However, for two of them I uploaded front covers given the current ones don't properly correlate with the actual product, and these were seemingly rejected as well.
Case and point being Warzone 2100, which has, what I believe an early cover.
Not the actual cover.
ACTUAL cover.
The same goes for Spyro Collectors' Collection, which, while technically has the "correct" cover, the current image is a placeholder commonly used online on Amazon and eBay to name examples.
Placeholder, not actual cover.
ACTUAL cover. Difference is small, but noteworthy.
By the way, the database has quite a number of duplicates. I made the common mistake of not copy+pasting the ones I came across, but here are some I just stumbled with:
Beyond Good and Evil dupe of Beyond Good & Evil
D.I.C.E.- DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises dupe of DICE: DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises EDITEDAnd that would be all. See you around...maybe...