Author Topic: E3 2017!  (Read 13937 times)

Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #60 on: June 11, 2017, 07:19:25 pm »
I used to think that Wii U was the worst name for a console ever, but Microsoft made me rethink it.
XBox One X is, by far, worse!

Xbox One X is more redundant.  I don't think it's worse, because "Wii" and "Wii U" are vastly stupider, but man, I did not expect this.  I feel like they were stuck with something like this though, because they screwed up from the start by naming the console "Xbox One" to begin with.  It was always a poorly conceived name, built around their inane idea of "This thing does everything, in one, TV, TV, TV".  They also couldn't go and name it like "Xbox 4", because it's a mid-level console advancement, not a brand new generation.


Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #61 on: June 11, 2017, 09:18:12 pm »
Well, The XBox e3 conference was ok. I knew that the Scorpio, or now the XBox One X(lol), was the main focus.
I like that they are bringing OG XBox compatibility. I'm sure they will be selective with the games though, but I'm glad Crimson Skies will be among them.
Sea of Thieves and Super Lucky's Tale look cool.

Overall, the XB1X looks impressive...I have to save up $500 for one though. I may think about trading my current XBOne perhaps. I'll figure it out...

Can't wait for Sony and Nintendo's conference now!


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Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #62 on: June 11, 2017, 10:14:14 pm »
I'm pretty excited about original XBox compatibility. My original XBox is starting to have issues with discs, so it'll be nice knowing that at least a part of my library will stay playable long after.

But going away from that, that was really the biggest thing from that for me. The games look alright, but nothing particularly stands out, either.

While the One X does look impressive, I'm not going 4K any time soon, so I'm not interested in taking that $500 dive.

I really hope Bethesda announces the new Elder Scrolls tonight, or Nintendo pulls out some incredible game line-up for the Switch that makes me buy one (*cough*Metroid*cough*).


Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #63 on: June 11, 2017, 11:42:43 pm »
The X.B.O.X. is only the name cause calling it The Toilet would be very confusing for everyone.

Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #64 on: June 11, 2017, 11:46:35 pm »
One of the games I'm excited for, Dragon Ball FighterZ, I really hope gets an English dub.  I don't believe Extreme Butoden had it, which was a game Ark System Works did before on 3DS, but that was a much smaller and simpler game.  I'm hoping that since this game looks bigger and better, that they are going full English dub, because man, I hate the Dragon Ball voice acting lol Grandma Goku is the worst and she plays like 3 main characters who all sound the same.  I know there are DB fans that like her, but Dragon Ball has been one of the few animes that I just do not like the the original voices much at all.  I put up with it in Super because I don't want to wait for the show, but I'll never truly like it lol

Bethesda was fine, your standard show, no crazy surprises.  Evil Within 2 looked really cool, even though I haven't played the first one and one game I was hoping for, Wolfenstein 2, happened! So that's great for me.  Hilarious moment was seeing the Amiibo support for Skyrim lol
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 12:42:47 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #65 on: June 12, 2017, 01:00:25 am »
I've actually never watched E3 presentations, but this time I did because good ol' Mister Metokur made it palpable with his stream. Just palpable though, because everything revealed was basically garbage.

$500 worse-PC from Microsoft sure is a larf. Play a single exclusive racing game on it! It's bad for them, but actually good for gamers so they don't have to buy that crap. None of the games they showed excited me at all... In fact, Cuphead, the only thing I cared about at all had a little brushed over trailer that only revealed "Mid-2017" means "All-but-Q4 2017" and that does not make me a happy camper. Nothing else stood out. Shadow of War maybe I'll try... I never played the first one, so it may be good. Overall, D- presentation, see me after class.

Then Bethesda. Nobody watches Bethesda for anything but the reveal of Elder Scrolls 6, which they of course didn't deliver on because who even wants money? Get your VR here! Get your Elder Scrolls spin-offs nobody cares about here! Dishonored DLC or new game? I dunno, either way I don't care. New Wolfenstein... I dunno, probably alright but nothing I care about. Oh, and of course... payed mods! That worked out soooooooooo well the first time, people are just gonna line up for it now! I predicate pirates setting them straight pretty quickly. They get a D... they probably feel better about it since they outscored Microsoft, but I am still calling their parents.

Pictured: A bitter, joyless old man (me)
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!

Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #66 on: June 12, 2017, 01:08:34 am »
I've actually never watched E3 presentations, but this time I did because good ol' Mister Metokur made it palpable with his stream. Just palpable though, because everything revealed was basically garbage.

$500 worse-PC from Microsoft sure is a larf. Play a single exclusive racing game on it! It's bad for them, but actually good for gamers so they don't have to buy that crap. None of the games they showed excited me at all... In fact, Cuphead, the only thing I cared about at all had a little brushed over trailer that only revealed "Mid-2017" means "All-but-Q4 2017" and that does not make me a happy camper. Nothing else stood out. Shadow of War maybe I'll try... I never played the first one, so it may be good. Overall, D- presentation, see me after class.

Then Bethesda. Nobody watches Bethesda for anything but the reveal of Elder Scrolls 6, which they of course didn't deliver on because who even wants money? Get your VR here! Get your Elder Scrolls spin-offs nobody cares about here! Dishonored DLC or new game? I dunno, either way I don't care. New Wolfenstein... I dunno, probably alright but nothing I care about. Oh, and of course... payed mods! That worked out soooooooooo well the first time, people are just gonna line up for it now! I predicate pirates setting them straight pretty quickly. They get a D... they probably feel better about it since they outscored Microsoft, but I am still calling their parents.

Pictured: A bitter, joyless old man (me)

You might want to keep not watching E3 presentations lol

Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #67 on: June 12, 2017, 01:14:08 am »
Well Bethesda's conference was pretty dissapointing.

Half the conference was about games that are already out, with barely any new content being announced, or newer versions of those games being announced (aka VR versions of Fallout 4 and Doom). The new games they did announce I had issues with as well, well at least one of them. I never played The Evil Within so it is hard for me to get hyped about its sequel. As for Wolfenstein; it is a continuation of The New Order which is one of the worst FPS games I've played in recent years. Needless to say I will not be playing the New Colossus.

But the biggest let down was the lack of any mention of a new single player Elder Scrolls game. It has been 6-years since Skyrim was released and I am so fucking tired of Bethesda trying to push Elder Scrolls Online down our throats like it is the new evolution of the series! NO IT IS NOT!! Even a brief 30-second trailer simply with the name of the new Elder Scrolls and some cool narration would have been enough. Overall though, I had high hopes for Bethesda's press conference and was let down severely.

Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #68 on: June 12, 2017, 01:40:21 am »
As for Wolfenstein; it is a continuation of The New Order which is one of the worst FPS games I've played in recent years.

Do you not play many FPS games? I mean it's fine to not like Wolfenstein, some games aren't for everyone, but it's a pretty good shooter, so I'm kinda confused to hear someone call it in the worst shooter they've played in recent years.  I was actually hopeful we'd see a sequel to the game, which we got, making it kinda the only highlight of the Bethesda show.  I mean, if you've only played a couple FPS games over the past like 5 years, maybe it could seem that way, but I found that I enjoyed my time in Wolfenstein more than I did Doom, which I know for many is quite the opposite as people went fucking nuts for Doom.

Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #69 on: June 12, 2017, 02:56:01 am »
As for Wolfenstein; it is a continuation of The New Order which is one of the worst FPS games I've played in recent years.

Do you not play many FPS games? I mean it's fine to not like Wolfenstein, some games aren't for everyone, but it's a pretty good shooter, so I'm kinda confused to hear someone call it in the worst shooter they've played in recent years.  I was actually hopeful we'd see a sequel to the game, which we got, making it kinda the only highlight of the Bethesda show.  I mean, if you've only played a couple FPS games over the past like 5 years, maybe it could seem that way, but I found that I enjoyed my time in Wolfenstein more than I did Doom, which I know for many is quite the opposite as people went fucking nuts for Doom.

- cliche "what if the Nazis won WW2" story
- bullet sponge enemies
- hit scanning enemies
- disjointed writing and plot with a poor flow
- manually having to pick up ammo and weapons
- a main character that literally mumbles half of his dialogue throughout the game
- poorly designed scripted sequences
- Clunky stealth system
- No Hitler

I could go on and on to be honest. The game was garbage imo, definitely not a worthy successor to the original or Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I play a decent amount of FPS games (not into most military FPS games, but other than that I am typically game), and funny you should say you liked New Order more than Doom, because I couldn't be more the opposite; I LOVED the new Doom lol.

Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #70 on: June 12, 2017, 03:22:30 am »
I would 100% disagree with everything you said as that isn't the game I saw or most people saw really, but I can see we would be on two vastly different ends of the spectrum, so not really worth discussing lol Can't make you like something anymore than I would for another game I don't like.

As for Doom, Doom is fine, it's just a basic shooter.  Nothing really new added, nothing really interesting done with the game, it was a pretty bog standard shooter as far as they go today, just all put together in a very slick, modern, package.  I think it just comes down to me wanting a little more out of my experience than just mindlessly fighting enemy waves.  It's why I don't get into horde modes in games or play stuff like Killing Floor.  That stuff has been done to death for years, so Doom rarely excited me.  I also wanted to like the music more, but the music only works ingame as outside of the game it's grating garbage lol

And just to spin this back to actual E3 talk, so that ingame mod system they brought up involved actually buying the mods?  Reading on it, mods will still be there, 100% free, but then there will be a separate mod system that's curated, original, third party, content, that you pay money for.  It's essentially creating a DLC service within the game.  Paid mods didn't work before, I can't see why they think it'll work now.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 04:04:39 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #71 on: June 12, 2017, 08:41:56 am »
After the Xbox One X, their next system will be the Xbox One ZX Advent.


Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #72 on: June 12, 2017, 09:05:56 am »
After the Xbox One X, their next system will be the Xbox One ZX Advent.

I would be okay with that!  8)

The backwards compatability with original xbox games is interesting, but I have original xbox controllers too so I'll probably pass on it.
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Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #73 on: June 12, 2017, 09:07:29 am »
After the Xbox One X, their next system will be the Xbox One ZX Advent.

I would be okay with that!  8)

The backwards compatability with original xbox games is interesting, but I have original xbox controllers too so I'll probably pass on it.

I was hoping someone would get that reference!

Re: E3 2017!
« Reply #74 on: June 12, 2017, 09:16:54 am »
For Microsoft not actually announcing any 1st party titles other than Forza, their conference was really good.

I really liked Wolfenstein when it came out, felt too short, but it was a great game.  I wouldn't call the "What if the Nazi's won WW2" a cliche.  I mean, I can't think of a single game that does exactly that other than Wolfenstein, but I suppose I could be wrong.

Doom VFR is going to be on PSVR, so I'm hoping that Fallout will follow suit so I don't have to get a Vive.

Overall, I'm not surprised by anything Bethesda announced.  I was expecting a new Wolfenstein, Evil within, and something from Arkane, I expected more about ESO, Legends, Quake, and VR.  A little surprised that they didn't have anything on Battlecry though.  Definitely didn't expect anything new on the Scrolls or Fallout front.