Author Topic: Publisher/developer listing format  (Read 1010 times)


Publisher/developer listing format
« on: June 15, 2017, 02:16:50 pm »
I apologize in advance if this has been discussed in the past.

Having now added and/or edited several hundred enties in this database, one issue/question has been bugging me quite a bit: How developer and publisher information is listed, or rather, what is the right way to name a developer or a publisher in this database. What I mean is, should developers and publishers be listed using their entire full name, or the more common way people refer to them.

For example, the developer Gust. Should VGCollect list it as "GUST Co., Ltd." or just "Gust"? In the same vein, "Retro Studios, Inc." or just "Retro Studios"?
What about remasters, then? Should only the studio that was responsible for a given remaster be listed as the developer or should the original developer be given credit as well? For example, the God of War remasters. Should the developer credit be only given to Bluepoint Games, or should it be listed as "Bluepoint Games / Sony Santa Monica" or something similar?

On the publisher side, for example, should VGCollect list exactly which arm of Sony Computer Entertainment published a given game, i.e. Sony Computer Entertainment America/Europe/etc. or just "Sony Computer Entertainment"?

Personally, I would like to see the Incs, Ltds and such gone.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 08:22:55 pm by Agozer »

Re: Publisher/developer listing format
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 12:37:58 am »
I've done my fair share of editing, as well, and I'm in the same boat as you. It can get confusing and not be sure what to do. Company names change over time, especially when they've been around for 30/40 years. Everyone calls Konami, Konami, which would of worked back in the late 80's. However, they're called Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. now. Another thing is divisions or subsidiaries. When you say Rockstar, do you mean Rockstar Games the publisher or Rockstar North the developer? So, whenever I'm editing, I use the full name (Co., Inc., whatever included). This way there is absolutely no confusion. But, that's just my preference.

As far as remasters, I'd just use the developer that actually made the remaster. Even though they are not the people that made the original game, they ARE the ones that made the one you're talking about. Plus, the developer of the original game had nothing to do with the remaster.

Last, but not least, the arm of the publisher. This would follow the same guideline as what I said first. If it's SCEA Europe, then I'd put the Europe at the end.

But, what do I know? Like I said earlier, this is just my preference, sooo...yeah.


Re: Publisher/developer listing format
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2017, 09:27:08 am »
With Konami, I personally wouldn't use just "Konami", but "Konami Digital Entertainment", without the Co and the Ltd. I think it makes the most sense to use the term that the publisher used/uses at the time of release. Like how today Sony's publishing side call themselves Sony Interactive Entertainment.

I noticed also that in many Nintendo entries in the database, only "Nintendo" is used, not Nintendo of America/Europe, etc.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 09:28:42 am by Agozer »