Author Topic: ITT: Share the most terrible and humorous deals you find out in the field  (Read 14592 times)


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It only going to get worse.

In the 90s, I used to get "retro" games for under $5 a piece, regardless of what it was, because no one cared about "crappy old games".

In the 2000s, people started to care, but the scalpers and resellers still weren't keen on it. So while it wasn't an under $5 market, it was still manageable with most retro games being under $20.

Nowadays, even shitty games are $30 bucks are more if it's anything other than Sega Genesis or Atari 2600. It's getting to the point where it's not even fun anymore. I've pretty much moved on to seeking out comics, DVDs, and VHS on my local hunts anymore. eBay is the only reliable way anymore, and even then it's not cheap.

Thankfully, I got most of my first party titles (especially Nintendo titles) before this got completely out of control.

I must live in a good market because I'm able to find PS1, PS2, Xbox, PSP, GEN, GBC, DS and even a lot of nes games for between 5-10 bucks a pop at all the local areas I go to.  And not just trash games either.  There are definitely a lot more scalpers and resellers but I just know to avoid those people/stores. 

Systems like Sega Saturn/Sega CD/TG16 and other niche retro systems have definitely felt the biggest squeeze and barring a miracle, I know I will never start collecting them because of the price barrier.  That's unfortunate and we'll never have the glory days before the collection craze started but I still really enjoy the hobby.   


That aside this topic is getting pretty dramatic it isn't all that bad far from it.

Absolutely it is. If you've been collecting for more than a few years, it is a very "dramatic" difference in prices and even being able to find stuff in the wild. Just since 2010 prices have doubled. (And it's far more than normal inflation.)

I could walk into any thrift shop and be able to find NES and SNES stuff on a regular basis. Now it's like a big deal when you do. I was able to peruse eBay and get all kinds of deals on retro games. Now it's all sniped up.

You are right about the crap games being under $5...but who wants crap games?

You can't deny how many people collect trash games even on this forum. For allot of people it is a numbers games or to have that odd title that nobody want to play like Barby house adventure etc or maybe if your going for a full set. 1 game is still a game to many people.

There are allot more trash titles wich aren't sports games than you might think at least how i see it, also sports games are not always trash titles usually pretty good if you are into those and usually with high production costs  ;)

Your Stylish Sword Master!


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Let's get this thread back on track

Any takers who want to trade rule of rose for a gh copy of ff vii?


What is this field of deals you're speaking of? But yeah, bad deals are so common no that they aren't note-worthy. Like others have stated, everywhere you go it's bad, bad, bad. It's not even really funny at this point. It used to be chuckle worthy when you'd see someone asking literally 1k on a single game, it was like a bad joke... now that's common, and these morons aren't joking. They really expect that grand.

It's common procedure on eBay to look at what games have been selling for, and then price your BIN at about 50-75% mark up from that price. If you're a game store, price it according to unsold BINs, if you're at a game convention, 25% mark up from unsold BINs. If you have something rare, ask more than what the last one sold for. If you have something sealed, have it graded and ask a few thousand. If you're a hillbilly named Jethro and you just found a Na'tinder in your buildin', ask $100 fer it, yellowed plastic and all.


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I guess I just live in one of the only parts of the world where with a little bit of effort you can find some pretty good deals on sites like craigslist and offer up and drive around town and find some good stuff ranging from below market value to the occasional steal.  Thrift stores have dried up for the most part but I think other avenues have opened up and it's still possible to find good stuff.  But I live in a smaller market so I realize my experience is not the majority. It's not like I'm finding sealed copies of Earthbound for $5, but I still enjoy the hunt and find lots of great stuff for pretty cheap.  Especially since I'm a student so it's not like I have unlimited funds right now.   

I just see a lot of posts online where games are mangled up and when they ask for double market rate, I find that funny.  Or when they list a playstation as a n64 and then price it way over.  That's why I made this topic because I thought it would be fun to share our experiences.  But I guess I've struck a nerve. 


I actually live in a small town too. It used to be very fruitful, now it's bone dry, and the people here are every bit as wise to the fact that they can ask sky-high prices as anyone else. Around here, Craigslist it 90-95% ads for Xbox One, PS4, or Wii U. The other 5% might be an occasional old console with a few games for $80 - $150.

Just for the fun of it, lemme check Craigslist and report back.

SNES 2 - $75
Orange N64 - $125
GameCube - $65
(all the same guy)

Sega Genesis with 32x - $65

Nintendo Switch with 5 games - $500

NES with Duck Hunt - $65

PS4 - $150

PS4 with 5 games - $250

Xbox 360 with games - $50

Various Xbox One and PS4 game lots

That's all as of right now...


Hey! the most chews and confusion on the market is making a really local place actually play the games first before selling them AND reading these forums on the internet.

 AND the honest forums, and not the stupid ones. heck this one guy is selling me $1.00 games AND he knows their good games because I told him and he already knows  8). Some of the most rarer and hard to find games COULD BE FRECKLING HARD TO FIND BECAUSE THEY SOMETIMES COULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETE GARBAGE TO BEGIN WITH.  >:(
#1: which is why they probably didn't sell vary well in the first place.
#2: maybe they ARE good games but they didn't make enough or someone robbed the company or took all them and their house burned down :(

BUY WHAT you can afford. but try to get the common ones first if their still at a decent price that is.

the market is screwed up. I think the 007 Goldeneye for n64 should be re released because that game is a darn expensive yet COMMON and HARD to find video game in my local Area. BUT I played enough of that as a teenager so time to Move On OLDGAMERZ :P

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 05:23:38 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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LOL a Japanese video game that is not in english for $500.00 and I need to know Japanese to play it successfully and I knew that. because of this joke I just created today of VG collect.

JOKE: what is an RPG or JRPG if you can't figure out what is going on? in the story line, at least? :P

I didn't buy that game ;D why? because I rather buy another hack and slash in English.

Sometimes it pays good money to know Japanese for the ones who can afford to.

I played RPGS that keep on changeing the decicions and some of them will get you a game over people ??? :-X
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 05:47:44 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


#2: maybe they ARE good games but they didn't make enough or someone robbed the company or took all them

Are you talking about "Rare Bucky"? That guy has like 20 copies of every game ever made, new and sealed, in unopened crate-fulls. I'd love to know how he got all of that. Seems really shady.


#2: maybe they ARE good games but they didn't make enough or someone robbed the company or took all them

Are you talking about "Rare Bucky"? That guy has like 20 copies of every game ever made, new and sealed, in unopened crate-fulls. I'd love to know how he got all of that. Seems really shady.

hmm never heard of him, but sounds like he or she is some selfish rich jerk >:(

I only own 3 sealed copyed game and that is Banjo Tooie. but I took it out of it's paper box and left it inside a plastic bag hopeful to keep mildew of it

2nd is Mega Man x Collection for PS2 and Lego Marvel Heros for PS3 greatest hits. I just hevent's gotten to those games yet.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 08:28:49 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)

At a small town RadioShack in 2003 I found a standard Nintendo 64 console (new) they were selling for about 500 dollars. I used to visit this store every once in a while and this wasn't just some item that had been sitting around a few years. They had gone out and obtained this system fairly recently and then stuck a crazy price on it.

I just thought this was funny because even at launch these systems were only 200 dollars, and here we were already well into the next generation asking more than double the MSRP.


At a small town RadioShack in 2003 I found a standard Nintendo 64 console (new) they were selling for about 500 dollars. I used to visit this store every once in a while and this wasn't just some item that had been sitting around a few years. They had gone out and obtained this system fairly recently and then stuck a crazy price on it.

I just thought this was funny because even at launch these systems were only 200 dollars, and here we were already well into the next generation asking more than double the MSRP.

In 2003, N64 was probably about at it's rock bottom value, or close to it.

Thats why it was hilarious.


Bestest deal ever. Free shipping, too!

All kidding aside, I'm not missing anything, am I?

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Bestest deal ever. Free shipping, too!

All kidding aside, I'm not missing anything, am I?

Hey man, you want a deal? I'll sell you my sealed PS2 controller for HALF that!  :P

Spotted this at a thrift store last winter. Didn't get a good look at the accessories, so I don't know how bad the deal was... but c'mon, that SIGN!