I would LOVE to collectively throat-punch Nintendo for continuing to use this nonsensical practice. It gets rather tiresome to try and give a company money/business/support when they continually act like a fool. The only people who seem to benefit from the tactic are the scalper/flippers/specullectors who prey on the desperate idiots that have more money than common sense.
Take for example earlier today where I tried for Corin P2 from Amazon and it sold out within minutes. By the time I was able to get to the site to try and order one, they were all gone and people were posting them at a MINIMUM of $90 all the way up to $200.

Now I can completely understand the logistical aspect they're trying to accomplish with not having warehouses of excess inventory, plenty of product on store shelves and a promising prospect of near complete sell through. What Nintendo fails to understand is that EVERY company who manufactures would love to achieve this and they somehow think they've got the leg up on everyone else by employing their scarcity tactic. The initial brunt of consumer apathy and ill will is felt by the retailer and I'm rather surprised that they (the retailers) were collectively quick to forget that. I guess Nintendo was like "See! We (over)produced a bunch (of shitty AC & Mario Party amiibos) and now you've got a ton of unsold inventory on your hands! We tried it your way and it didn't work!"

Meh. This has been going on since the NES days and I don't ever expect them to fully give up the goat on the tactic. I have NO doubt the SNES Classic is going to be a PAIN to try and acquire despite them saying they'll make more. I saw on Reddit that Wal-Mart offered pre-orders on it which crashed their site within minutes.

I guess one small solace is that I have NO problem buying Nintendo software used whenever I can find it at a decent price. Not much I can do about Amiibos since I want them in the packaging but I'll happily continue to pick up Wii/WiiU/Switch games pre-owned so they don't get any additional profit from me. Sure it's like trying to drain the ocean with a teacup but it makes me feel ever-so-slightly better.