Author Topic: $20 off games $29.99 or higher at Target with trade in of 2 old games  (Read 4582 times)


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Fantastic deal going on right now at Target.  Trade in two games to get $20 off any game $29.99 or higher.  However, they'll let you trade in lots of stuff going back to PS1 titles!  Yesterday I traded in Twisted Metal Black, Metroid Prime, GTA San Andreas and Rachet & Clank (only 1 transaction per customer, but I had my wife with me).

With those trade-ins, we picked up Epic Mickey (Wii) and Rayman Origins (360) for $10 each!

This blog has all the links you'll need if you're interested:


Re: $20 off games $29.99 or higher at Target with trade in of 2 old games
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 10:15:10 am »
Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Just an FYI, there is a section under Marketplace for deals :)


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Re: $20 off games $29.99 or higher at Target with trade in of 2 old games
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 01:46:56 pm »
Whoops.  I'll post stuff like this in there from now on.