Author Topic: Suggestion: Sort Wishlist by x  (Read 1096 times)

Suggestion: Sort Wishlist by x
« on: November 05, 2017, 01:57:00 pm »
Currently, the Wish List is an alphabetized list of all games, which makes it difficult if you want to use it as a reference when you're out shopping for games. My simplest request would be for the ability to sort by system (instead of/in addition to having games from all systems appear together in one big list). However, it would also be nice if you could implement sorting by other categories as well, such as Publisher/Developer, release date, region (lumping all games from all platforms from a certain region), etc. Of course, since this would be more difficult, I think being able to sort by system would be the simplest and most useful.

I'm sorry - just realized that this is already available (I was assuming the side buttons were still for my game collection, not wish list). It would still be nice to be able to support by other categories, though!  ;)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 02:07:19 pm by lakster37 »