Author Topic: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?  (Read 3522 times)


Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2017, 09:19:14 am »
Link's Awakening.

Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2017, 12:00:13 pm »
New things in pretty much allot of cases seem like the best thing ever if it's a good game that is, Let's wait a few years till the hype train dies out and than we can see if breath of the wild truly is the best zelda game ever made.

I feel like the hype train for most people ended months ago when the Switch got more flagship titles. I agree with what you're saying about letting the dust settle, but given how many new games come out for consoles every year, I think giving it a few years is a bit unnecessary to determine how great a game really is.

I beat Breath of the Wild within a month of the game coming out and I was absolutely smitten with it. I didn't play it again until a few months ago and all I've been doing is complete side quests, exploring the world some more, and getting all the shrines and Korok Seeds; I rarely, almost never jump back into a game after beating the main story in order to complete everything. The game just makes everything fun, wonderous and interesting, even after crossing the 100 hour mark. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion of the game, I certainly do, but from my own experience playing it as well as the general consensus it seems to be one of the best, if not the best Zelda game ever made.


Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2017, 12:48:59 pm »
New things in pretty much allot of cases seem like the best thing ever if it's a good game that is, Let's wait a few years till the hype train dies out and than we can see if breath of the wild truly is the best zelda game ever made.

I feel like the hype train for most people ended months ago when the Switch got more flagship titles. I agree with what you're saying about letting the dust settle, but given how many new games come out for consoles every year, I think giving it a few years is a bit unnecessary to determine how great a game really is.

I beat Breath of the Wild within a month of the game coming out and I was absolutely smitten with it. I didn't play it again until a few months ago and all I've been doing is complete side quests, exploring the world some more, and getting all the shrines and Korok Seeds; I rarely, almost never jump back into a game after beating the main story in order to complete everything. The game just makes everything fun, wonderous and interesting, even after crossing the 100 hour mark. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion of the game, I certainly do, but from my own experience playing it as well as the general consensus it seems to be one of the best, if not the best Zelda game ever made.

Playing a game for the first time If It's excellent It is great this is not only with new things this is an extra thing you could consider when ignoring the hype train. New things left unexplorered that's one of the more fun things when playing a game.

Also replay value there are still new things to explore in the game and that can take a while, I have heard that plenty of people  played this game for allot of hours and not even 100%ing the game It has replay value since it has so much content.

such impression will last a while especially when there still is something new to do, not to mention extra dlc will come out for this game with again new content wich hasn't been played before., if I play a great game that I have never played before It's one of the games ever in some cases if the game is really good, I will have it in my mind for a while that's for sure and if it has replay value and new things that I haven't gotten to yet than yes I would have a higher opinion on it than it is actually worth.

I'm pretty sure it is an excellent game, and I might think I would personally say it is the best zelda game because I'm more of a fan of the 3D realistic zelda games. Windwaker is also pretty fun though.

And a speedrun to 100% this game 49 hours, wow  :o thats huge time commitment not to mention if done relaxed or just normally It;s a huge game not to mention people who don;t have that much time to play games could easily last months without 100%ing this game. I'm pretty sure you could at least double that time if you don't know the best way and triple if you also just want to enjoy it.

My point is there are still things to explorer not everything has been seen. New things are just better in our minds especially when never done.

It's still pretty fresh I would give it some time given the size of this game and dlc still coming out.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 02:25:15 pm by sworddude »
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Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2017, 06:54:56 pm »
1.Link's Awakening
2.Wind Waker
3.Breath of the Wild
4.Ocarina of time

These games were all the best zelda has to offer and Nintendo hasn't made a horibble zelda game yet imo.


Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2017, 06:55:22 pm »

I'd have to say Link's Awakening. I don't really know why, it just feels the most solidly structured and has side characters I actually care about. It seems like a few on this forum share the sentiment.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2017, 07:31:00 pm »
Twilight Princess is my favourite. I love the feel of it, it's dark and gritty but not so gritty that it feels dull, and I just generally like it more. But it's probably mainly because of Midna. It's nice to have the helper companion as an actual character with an actual personality and history with a tangible friendship with Link.

Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2017, 09:56:07 pm »
My favorite used to be windwaker for a very long time.  It's art style was so incredible and is one of the best aged old games of all time.  The story, the visuals, playing as toon link who is my favorite link.  I never thought it would be beaten :)

But than BOTW did the Ermac fatality on WindWaker and used a max revive just to toy with it as it proceeded to rip its beating heart from it's theoretical chest in front of everyone. :D.

BOTW is not only the best Zelda ever made, it has a strong claim as the best game of all time.  It's right up there with all of the best of the best I know and love.  It's so deep, open, adventerous and breath taking. 

Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2017, 05:56:11 am »
Breath of the Wild
What makes Breath so great is that it sort of combines elements from the other games - I see the original LOZ, I see Windwaker, I see Skyward Sword, I see Twilight Princess, etc etc - and then adds in a large open world. It takes Zelda in a new direction gameplay-wise. It might not be as original as Majora's Mask was, or have the most noteworthy story of a Zelda game. But then it's not trying to reinvent the wheel - it is basically finding the 'center' of the Zelda game worlds, and then giving you this massive version of Hyrule to roam around in with an emphasis on expendable weapons.