Author Topic: Black Friday 2017!  (Read 4092 times)

Re: Black Friday 2017!
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2017, 04:24:29 pm »
The whole event around Black Friday sucks. Nothing I'm looking to nab deals wise for games, no modern consoles I feel I want that I don't have or modern games. I'll keep an eye on amazon's deals and other online retailers but likely won't set foot in a store, though I'll be working so won't have much choice in that case.


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Re: Black Friday 2017!
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2017, 10:45:43 am »
I'm going to be out of town for the good ole Black Friday this year.  My lady, The Boy, and Myself will be making our way to Disney World.  I'm going to miss the whole thing. 
I'd like to grab a few of those Switch games though. I couldn't seen what all was listed in the Walmart ad.

Re: Black Friday 2017!
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2017, 09:23:11 am »
Crack Friday? Meh...  Save 20$ here, 30$ there. Or just wait a month or so and buy it used for the same price without the five o' clock free crack give-away crowd.

At least from my experience you only have to do that with the "doorbusters" which are usually home electronics like TVs, PCs, and sometimes game consoles. Actual games, movies and media in general usually lasts for most of the day since they typically have so much of it in stock. I didn't do Black Friday last year due to the stomach flu, but the year before that I started at like noon and got 90% of the stuff I was after. I definitely agree that the people who line up at 4am Thanksgiving to get a TV for half off are stupid as hell.

One year I waited near a crowd gathered around a display in that was mostly all movies and games. They had people guarding it up to the minute. As soon as the minute struck, they all dove in like a pack of wolves tearing into meat. Was pretty barbaric, but when the dust settled they had few Mario Kart 8 left. It was mostly Xbox / PS shooter titles they scavenged. I saw people carrying around arms full of the same game, even though the ad clearly stated 2 per customer. Just idiot re-sellers I guess, looking to make a buck off of the sale. Many seek to profit, or see if they can't flip some extra and get something for free out of these sales.

I just think it brings out the worst in many, so it's worth avoiding. GS usually runs holiday sales that last longer than just crack Friday and their stock on said items seems sufficient enough that anyone could walk in a probably get what they wanted.

My local walmart forces 1 per customer policy on consoles and 2 per person on games and won't check you out with any more. Which is awesome :). You also get served consoles one by one in a line instead of a choas of grabbing.   Resellers don't really go.  Target not so much.  They open up the cabinets and let you go crazy they barely even guard the consoles and it's a free for all.    The savagery is present but not as bad as what you've claimed in my walmart thankfully :D.       

I'm hoping I can get a PS4 from the wolves den this year.  Gonna be tough :(

Re: Black Friday 2017!
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2017, 09:41:09 am »
Like every year, I'm not leaving my house.  Doing all of my buying online.  I have a list of what I want and where I want it from.  I'll likely even pass on a lot of stuff that I want just because why spend the money.


Re: Black Friday 2017!
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2017, 02:58:46 pm »
I'm going to be out of town for the good ole Black Friday this year.  My lady, The Boy, and Myself will be making our way to Disney World.  I'm going to miss the whole thing. 
I'd like to grab a few of those Switch games though. I couldn't seen what all was listed in the Walmart ad.

Please give Goofy some good kicks in the nuts for what he have done to poor Donald  >:(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Black Friday 2017!
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2017, 10:08:38 am »
I'm going to be out of town for the good ole Black Friday this year.  My lady, The Boy, and Myself will be making our way to Disney World.  I'm going to miss the whole thing. 
I'd like to grab a few of those Switch games though. I couldn't seen what all was listed in the Walmart ad.

Please give Goofy some good kicks in the nuts for what he have done to poor Donald  >:(

Necesita una patada a los huevos

Re: Black Friday 2017!
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2017, 02:12:22 pm »
Turns out for those of you who want to get the PS4 deal but don't want to wait in line, sony is releasing the deal all week for "black friday week" and it will start the 19th at retail outlets while supplies last.  :)


Re: Black Friday 2017!
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2017, 09:00:55 pm »
So I apparently BS'd all of you the other week when I said I was too high and mighty for the crack. Well, I went to crack Friday. Just a few games I was feeling impulsive about. Almost couldn't find Horizon, but scored one at the last minute for $20. Also grabbed Agents of Mayhem for $20, and Bomberman for Switch.

Witnessed a fight almost break out in front of me over video games, and again witnessed people carrying arms full of the same thing. Heard some police sirens going off after I left the stores. One year someone was actually shot in my area on crack Friday at a sale. Hopefully it doesn't come to that again.