Author Topic: Error Listings 2018  (Read 42588 times)

Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2018, 01:17:30 pm »
Hi.  Inconsistencies with moderators again.

I submitted edits on box text for these two listings.  1 was accepted.  1 was denied.  Both edits contained the same basic structure of information.  Why?

Inconsistencies with the same moderator!

HEY who you calling a moderator! :p

I wanted to have one example. Again this box text issue for digital games. There is no box, but we also don't want to just copy/paste from other sites onto the entry. Here is what I see on this Need for Speed Payback text that was put.

1. There are ™, ® and † symbols. These should not be here.
2. There is a URL, should not be there.

For the rest, there is information that should be in description, such as the extra items and system requirements. But when this information is put into description, the ad-speak should not be present, such as "sufficiently robust"
Wut?  NFS was accepted.  Dead Alliance was denied.  Dead Alliance had all that same info.

I still don't understand the issues. 

For steam, we copy/paste from Steam's website... and that's ok.  For PSN/etc, we can't copy/paste from website for some reason?

1. What's wrong with these symbols, why shouldn't they be there?
2. What's wrong with having a URL, why shouldn't they be there?

My understanding is that all of that info goes into box text, not description.  Description is used for relevant information such as variants and other necessary explanations.  System requirements would go into Box text, not description, as it does not describe or differentiate the product from any other similar product.

NFS was accepted so I could point out why the other was denied. Because this should be public and not a conversation kept in private. If no one could see what you had put onto the entry, how would they know what to look for?

The symbols and the URL are indicators that the text was taken directly from another website. Because VGC is also a website, this shouldn't be done because we do not have permission to do it.

For box text, the digital style says "For example, if I were to add The Simpson's Arcade Game to the database, the box text would be the summary that is listed on" This is an outdated example, because that game isn't on their site and there is no summary. There is this Simpsons Game and the text from Overview would be applicable.

And as for Steam, the text used is the small paragraph on the store page or the first (and/or second) paragraph under About this Game. With this example of Civilization V:

The box text would be "Create, discover, and download new player-created maps, scenarios, interfaces, and more! " and not the entirety of the text in the About This Game section.

For NFS Payback, we can use a similar method to Steam:
box text would be "The Need for Speed Payback - Deluxe Edition gives you an edge over the competition with up to 3 days of early access to the full game."

With the trademark symbol removed. Not all the text from that page, not verbatim. List package contents or system requirements in description field. The reason we don't need to store all of another website's text is because it is available on that site.

So to be aware, if box text on a digital game is a large amount of text, has symbols or URLs in it, it will/can be rejected by admins or retro-actively removed by users doing edits.
Ok, so grabbing stuff from steam, the same applies?  No symbols and no urls?

I still don't understand why the package contents and system requirements go in the description field.  I think that can very quickly turn into a similar acceptance issue, because package contents and system requirements are things that would be on a box's back text and then you add in explanations of variants and such.

Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2018, 08:35:15 am »
To verify, my latest rejection was the glare on the image?


Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2018, 09:01:31 am »
To verify, my latest rejection was the glare on the image?

I did not see this edit, so if no one had contacted you about it, make sure to post the link to the item and the image you tried to put, so other admins (or users) can see what possibily could have been the issue.

Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2018, 09:18:37 am »
It was this one

Toby: The Secret Mine

This is the image submitted

I'm assuming it's because of the glare.


Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2018, 12:21:40 pm »
I have put the image on the entry. BUT you really should not use images that are that large, perhaps the site had a problem and it showed as a black image. The resolution on that image is 3024x4032px. I edited the image prior to upload and the size was 400x513.


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Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2018, 04:29:32 am »
I've tried to edit some games. And these are rejected. So here is the explanation:

Final Fantasy - NES
Never released in EU only US

Bubble Bath Babes - NES
Released in US

Bomberman - NES
Never Released in EU

Back to the Future - NES
Never Released in EU only US

Ninja Gaiden - NES
Released in EU as Shadow Warriors. Ninja Gaiden is US title.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 10:02:11 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2018, 10:03:24 am »
They were rejected for category changes because they were dupes, and should have been reported as being dupes.

Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2018, 11:24:40 am »
Ace Combat 5 bundle

Does this really go under accessory?

Also, what's this crap?  This is the bundle, it is the game and the controller, not just the controller.
Taiko Controller

Like since when do we put Game special editions under accessory?
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 11:31:13 am by ignition365 »


Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2018, 12:13:41 pm »
Is it a game that comes with an accessory, or an accessory that comes with a game?

Take this into consideration, we allow separate entries for games that are included within packs, such as those that come with a console. The console is into the hardware section and the game into the game section. On the game entry, if it has its own box, then you put that picture as the front art. If it has no box, then you put the cart/disc as the front art. You would NOT put the console's box as the front art.

The same applies to accessories.

There should be no consoles or accesories in a game category.


Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2018, 12:28:49 pm »
But we have Amiibo and GunCon2 bundles under games if there's a game with them, no?

So we're defaulting to games that AC5 bundle would go under games and the individual accessories would be listed separately.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 12:30:23 pm by telly »
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Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2018, 12:35:33 pm »
But we have Amiibo and GunCon2 bundles under games if there's a game with them, no?

So we're defaulting to games that AC5 bundle would go under games and the individual accessories would be listed separately.
Yeah, I have no interest in adding AC5 twice into my collection.  I thought the whole thing was it should be listed as the item was purchased.  What is being suggested is that we add the flightstick and game separately, which just causes there to be an extra AC5 under PS2[NA] because there will be the regular game and the NFR AC5 game that came with the flightstick, even though that NFR game was never sold separately.

This just seems messy and unnecessary.

I mean, what's next, we start listing the contents of Collector's editions separately because the artbook doesn't belong under the game category?
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 12:39:47 pm by ignition365 »

Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2018, 12:45:35 pm »
Is it a game that comes with an accessory, or an accessory that comes with a game?

Take this into consideration, we allow separate entries for games that are included within packs, such as those that come with a console. The console is into the hardware section and the game into the game section. On the game entry, if it has its own box, then you put that picture as the front art. If it has no box, then you put the cart/disc as the front art. You would NOT put the console's box as the front art.

The same applies to accessories.

There should be no consoles or accesories in a game category.
Definitely a game that comes with an accessory.  Any suggestion otherwise is just ridiculous.  These items are absolutely and unequivocally branded as the specific GAME, not the accessory.

If we are going to blindly apply hardware rules to accessories and games, then all CE games and content should be listed separately from the game itself, since you can acquire the CE disc separately from the box.


Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2018, 12:46:10 pm »
Why would you need to have it twice in your collection? If you have just the game, you add the game to your collection. If you have just the flightstick or the flightstick complete, you would add the accessory.

And there would only get to be a separate Ace Combat 5 game listing if there was anything different with the game that comes in the set. Some of these sets just have the regular retail game inside, in that case it would not get to have a separate listing. The description on the regular game would need to say it was also available with x set.

Collector's Editions that do not come with game hardware do not have to follow game hardware category rules. But sure someone could add the books and cds or whatever separately if they wanted. This is only an issue because we can't tie item records to each other.


Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2018, 12:52:34 pm »
Definitely a game that comes with an accessory.

We can't make that assumption because there is no standard to how these items are labelled. Either we have use the categories as intended:
- consoles go into hardware
- accessories go into accessories
- games go into games

Or it just is wild west and we can put any item into any category? If you wouldn't put a console into a game category, just because it came with a game, then you wouldn't put an accessory in a game category for the same reason. If you want to get technical, then it would be allowed to put a Sega Master System into SMS [NA] games category because it came with Snail Maze built-in and was not sold separately?

Re: Error Listings 2018
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2018, 12:52:53 pm »
Why would you need to have it twice in your collection? If you have just the game, you add the game to your collection. If you have just the flightstick or the flightstick complete, you would add the accessory.

And there would only get to be a separate Ace Combat 5 game listing if there was anything different with the game that comes in the set. Some of these sets just have the regular retail game inside, in that case it would not get to have a separate listing. The description on the regular game would need to say it was also available with x set.

Collector's Editions that do not come with game hardware do not have to follow game hardware category rules. But sure someone could add the books and cds or whatever separately if they wanted. This is only an issue because we can't tie item records to each other.
Why?  Because I only have the complete flightstick bundle, but now that that is no longer considered a game, if I want to see the game listed under PS2[NA] I have to go add AC5 separately from the complete bundle.  Now I have 2 of AC5 in my collection.  In your eyes, you see it listed as the flightstick and the PS2 game separately (which is ridiculous because that's not how it was sold).

No, but CEs come with Artbooks, DVDs, Swag, Toys, Figures, etc.  Things that have categories that exist.  So we might as well remove the CE from the game categories, list the contents separately, and create a CE box category where we can list just boxes.