Author Topic: Yakuza 1-4 reprint available from VGP (free intl shipping for orders over $50)  (Read 10154 times)


VGP (Canada-based) has Yakuza 0-4 available with free worldwide shipping on orders over $50. The prices were really good, esp for Yakuza 2, so I picked that one up. I didn't pick up 1 because Kiwami (remake of 1) is slated to come out, and I'm curious if the others will be redone as well. But in the meantime, I'm enjoying 0 and am hoping that 5 gets a physical version as well at some point.
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FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

VGP (Canada-based) has Yakuza 0-4 available with free worldwide shipping on orders over $50. The prices were really good, esp for Yakuza 2, so I picked that one up. I didn't pick up 1 because Kiwami (remake of 1) is slated to come out, and I'm curious if the others will be redone as well. But in the meantime, I'm enjoying 0 and am hoping that 5 gets a physical version as well at some point.
Wow... I might get them all actually. I've never got into Yakuza series. I played Yakuza 2 on my friends PS2 once, and i was stupidly thinking that Yakuza is just some weak-ass GTA clone... Time to change it! Thanks for the heads up!

This is so weird but may possibly be the start of a new trend? The only PS2 game I know that's still readily available in stores is the GTA trilogy.


PRO Supporter

Yakuza 2 for a reasonable price?! Mighty tempting.
VGP is killing it with some exclusive reprints/restocks. I wonder if we'll see more eventually. They already stock Atlus PSP games, maybe Atlus PS2 games?


This is awesome! Yakuza is one of my favorite game series, 2 being my favorite. Glad more people will be able to experience it now with the reprints.


VGP restocked on this reprint, so in case you missed it last time, it's back:

People recommend using PayPal with VGP if you can, and since they have a store in NY, shipping isn't crazy. You can convert prices in the top right corner of the site, and they still offer free worldwide shipping for orders over $50 CAD.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)