Author Topic: Is buying used games morally wrong?  (Read 4936 times)


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Re: Is buying used games morally wrong?
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2018, 12:29:19 pm »
Absolutely not. Gaming is the only industry out there that whines about used sales hurting them. There's used sales on EVERYTHING. Houses, cars, electronics, appliances, music, movies, clothes...EVERYTHING.

The gaming industry needs to stop pointing fingers and start looking at what they should be doing to fix sales problems.

^ nailed it. Although I would add that the movie/book/music business does complain about used sales as well.

Part of their whining falls on deaf ears for me.

I’m an engineer. I write code and build data centers that go on to make literally millions of dollars for the companies I work for. I have to be very creative.

I get no residuals, no royalties. I get paid once and that’s it. I can’t coast now on stuff I did 1,2,or 30 years ago.

That used game you bought was previously purchased by someone. The person that put it up for sale is likely using the money to buy another game.

If a company prices themselves out of certain people’s affordability zone that’s their problem.

If a company fails to meet demand or stops offering you a product you want to buy, also their problem.

Don’t feel guilty because you are doing nothing wrong. Especially if it’s a game with DLC.

They are probably making more on the DLC than the original game sale.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 12:31:50 pm by dashv »