Author Topic: Hard to find xbox360 games in your area  (Read 2736 times)

Re: Hard to find xbox360 games in your area
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2018, 03:19:57 pm »
zoids assualt to me so long to find along with raiden fighter aces.
still trying to find a copy of fatal interia cib
also i didnt relize just how hard it is to find f12013
also i know the bane of el chavo kart as im also going for a compelte NA set
have about 350 titles to go
GT- Luna Nightmare

Re: Hard to find xbox360 games in your area
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2018, 08:43:15 pm »
still trying to find a copy of fatal interia cib

Amazon sells Fatal Inertia brand new for $15.