Author Topic: Anyone else notice how companies leak too much of the games before launch?  (Read 1242 times)

Hello everyone :).

One thing I have noticed lately, especially waiting for Far Cry 5 to release on March 27th.  Is just how much companies throw out there before the game is ever launched.   

More and more videos from IGN keep popping up labeled "first 15 minutes of ______"    "First 20 minutes of Half Life 3"  blah blah blah.   Than of course you pair that with trailers that give away the backstories of the main antagonist,  Jimmy Fallon show playing Nintendo games pre launch.  ect...    Sure 20 minutes sounds like nothing but that whole first level is mostly shown.  What's the point of having it? How can one enjoy it after already seeing it.    Than their are like 100 videos showcasing the weapon function, the abilities, the plot.

Is it me or is their no point in buying a game when you already know every feature, function, enemy, plot, nuance, type of feel and even sometimes the final boss and how you slay the final boss.   I always used to love that in the 80s and 90s.  Companies were super secretive and you'd actually get genuinely surprised while playing a game.   Like imagine in the 80s if they had shown you Super Mario 2 gameplay before it came out and you knew you were getting something so different as a doki doki panic reboot. It wouldn't have surprised you as much as it did.  Or if FFVII showed a certain character dying in the trailer.  I been trying to keep myself in the dark but it's hard the way they title thier videos.

Now my love for far cry 5 is at about 50 percent.  because as someone who loves bears, I found out pre launch that you get to befriend bears.  I wanted to be surprised about that.  I wish I would have went in blind and got to find that out myself and it would have been so awesome :).

Has anyone else noticed this?  Like how games give spoilers in their pre launch trailers and videos?  Especially IGN.  (Who I hate for being mean to Super Lucky's Tale btw :( )  lol. 

« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 11:54:21 am by marvelvscapcom2 »

I don't watch trailers or gameplay videos of games I care about.  If I don't care about it, then the spoilers won't bother me much.

I have looked at nothing about Far Cry 5 or Yakuza 6.  I wanna go in blind.


Ive peeked at a little of the Ni no Kuni II stuff but if it starts showing something about the story, I close it.


I know very little about Far Cry 5 because I don't watch those videos. The only one I watched the announcement trailer quite awhile ago. I know...Montana...Cult....and now bears.


I don't watch trailers or gameplay videos of games I care about.  If I don't care about it, then the spoilers won't bother me much.

I have looked at nothing about Far Cry 5 or Yakuza 6.  I wanna go in blind.

This. Same goes for movies. My philosophy is that trailers are there to sell you on something. Once I'm sold, I quit watching.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Sometimes there is too much content shown, but I don't mind it as much as I do movies.  A game is what you can make of it, just as much as it can offer.  Someones 10+ hour playthrough will likely differ from someone elses, if the game allows it, that is.  With movies, seeing or revealing too much can really ruin the experience since it's much shorter and relies specifically on giving you a good story.  Like Terminator Genysis.  That isn't really a good movie, but how much more impactful would it have been, and a boon to the movie, if John Conner wasn't revealed to be a Terminator until the right point in the movie, compared to being shown off in the trailer and all the advertisement?

For games, it depends on what it is for me.  Is it mostly a story driven game? Then I want to see as little as possible.  Is it an open world experience? Maybe just keep some gameplay surprises for me.  I generally watch the reveal trailer, gameplay trailer, and then I'll see stuff off and on, but I don't watch much more gameplay after that if I can help it.  For me, the only things I don't really want spoiled, are story related things.  Learning a mechanic or feature ahead of time isn't a super big deal personally.


  • Guest
I don't mind it so much.

If it's a game I want to play...I ignore the videos completely. Other than the reveal videos, I have watched nothing about Far Cry 5 or Ni No Kuni 2.

If it's a game I have not heard of or have any interest in...I'll watch for 5 minutes and see if it grabs me.

Same with OT posts on sites like ResetEra, sometimes I drop in to see what the mood is around a game.

I don't watch trailers or gameplay videos of games I care about.  If I don't care about it, then the spoilers won't bother me much.

I have looked at nothing about Far Cry 5 or Yakuza 6.  I wanna go in blind.

This. Same goes for movies. My philosophy is that trailers are there to sell you on something. Once I'm sold, I quit watching.

My take as well- aside from possibly checking a review after release to make sure it met the hype. Even then, I don't read a written review, i just check the scoring. Game X that I want got 8 out of 10? Good, I'll go buy it now. Game Y that I want got 5 out of 10? Maybe I'll check some bullet points to find out what went wrong... maybe. In all likelihood I'll just wait & buy it cheap, since it'll probably see a quick price drop.