Yesssss! One of my favorites, a magical film. A true gothic fairytale.

Jeeeze, WAY too hard to try and narrow it down to just one. The 80s; a grand decade for the genre!
Love the image, very nice, totally agree, Dolls has a similar feel to The Goonies, love it.
And here are a few other ones that I really like
The Blob
The Lost Boys
Near Dark
Prince of Darkness
Motel Hell
Phantasm II
But the only one of those that would really come close to "favorite" would be The Blob... though high school me would have fought you over The Lost Boys
Ye gods, Lost Boys was epic "You're a vampire Michael, a god-damned shit-sucking vampire, oh just you wait till Mom finds out..". My sister was totally captivated by Kiefer Sutherland in that movie, he certainly was a handsome devil. Never heard of Motel Hell, need to look that one up

Burning Doom - Pet Semetary is another all-time favourite of mine, love that one too. Damn, i really want to start ordering some of these on DVD or blu-ray now, used to love watching horrors when I was in my teens and twenties, have some catching up to do.