Author Topic: Collections vs Original Copies  (Read 3457 times)


Re: Collections vs Original Copies
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2020, 04:47:16 pm »
Either is fine.  I'm known to buy both or if I have the original games I'll still purchase the collections to, 1. Show the publishers I still support these and would like to see future releases.  2. It's convenient especially when a series that spans multiple console generations can be put in one place.

I have purchased collections then gone back and bought the original individually when I find them at a decent price.  I'm kind of bad with money in that regard but I like the real hardware aspect of it.

An aside to this would be the aforementioned Metal Slug Anthology.  I may be bad with money concerning original releases but seeing the AES cart prices, I'm not that bad with it.