Author Topic: Your unpopular gaming opinions.  (Read 9120 times)


Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: April 03, 2018, 02:51:55 pm »
I saw a similar thread on another video game site, and I have to confess that I'm morbidly curious about your "confessions". So basically, I want to read about your positive/negative opinions about video games and gaming in general that the majority of gamers do not agree on.

You can list as few or as many as you want. Vent that bottled-up frustration, folks.

-I can't, for the life of me, get into any of the Fallout games. I find them too focused on stat-fiddling, and their main storylines are boring to me.

-I cannot stand the Elder Scrolls series. Great memes, sure, but that's about it.

-While I enjoy fighting games, I'm more interested in the character designs than the actual mechanics.

-I enjoy the 3D mario games more than the 2D ones.

-The Nintendo 64 is terribly overrated. Its controller is an abomination despite the ground-breaking analog stick.

-Final Fantasy VIII is better than VII.

-While not better than RE4, RE5 is one of the most enjoyable Resident Evil games I've ever played.

-I don't like the roguelike/rogue-lite and 4X genres at all. Procedural generation isn't as great as some people seem to think.

-The Wii U is an excellent console, and at the moment, better than the Nintendo Switch.

-The Xbox as a console family and the Xbox brand as a whole gets nothing but scoffs from me. The brand and console(s) created solely because Microsoft wanted some of that "console game money" back in the early 2000s. Leave it to Microsoft to be as unimaginative as possible and basically branding the letter X soaked in Mountain Dew and dudebro high fives. But hey, the PlayStation brand needed a competitor from the west, right?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 02:55:11 pm by Agozer »

Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2018, 04:07:32 pm »
Zelda series is overrated
Mario 2 is the best of the NES Mario Games
Resident Evil 6 is good if you play co op


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2018, 04:14:37 pm »
Interesting Idea, the way I look at unpopular gaming opinions depends what the gamer originally got into playing in the first place. Was it arcade, home-console, or personal computer? those core preferences branch out distinctly. In most cases, not all, the gamer ends up enjoying the most. That being said I agree with you on a few of your unpopular opinions-

-I can't, for the life of me, get into any of the Fallout games. I find them too focused on stat-fiddling, and their main storylines are boring to me.

-I cannot stand the Elder Scrolls series. Great memes, sure, but that's about it.

-The Nintendo 64 is terribly overrated. Its controller is an abomination despite the ground-breaking analog stick.

-I don't like the roguelike/rogue-lite and 4X genres at all. Procedural generation isn't as great as some people seem to think.

Would alternate a couple;

-While I enjoy fighting games, I'm more interested in the actual mechanics than the character designs.

-I enjoy the 2D mario games more than the 3D ones.

Few of my own;

-Sandbox/open world games feel more like doing chores than gaming.

-Tomb Raider was more groundbreaking then Mario 64.

-First person shooter oriented games are repetitive.

-Cinematic focused story driven adventures games are dull.

-The King of Fighters series is more engaging than Street Fighter series.

-For the most part western developed games are shit mediocre games.

-The Legend of Zelda & Metroid series are praised too highly.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 04:16:11 pm by stealthrush »


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2018, 04:34:59 pm »
-The Nintendo 64 is terribly overrated. Its controller is an abomination despite the ground-breaking analog stick.
My man. I have fun with the controller but that's just nostalgia, it is pretty terribly designed.

-Final Fantasy VIII is better than VII.
My MAN. Final Fantasy VIII is my all-time favourite game. It's been my baby since I was 4. I get full-on emotional about it. It's the embodiment of my love of games.

Anyhow, the opinions that will get me banned from all gaming communities:

- The vast majority of Nintendo games are nowhere near as good as they're made out to be and are praised purely because they're Nintendo games. They're still good, mostly, but normally nothing special. Normally. There are a number of Nintendo games though that I can agree are awesome.

- On the topic of Nintendo, the DS line of consoles are awful. Having to divert your attention between two screens makes it far too difficult to get immersed in what you're playing, stylus controls are terrible 99% of the time, and the 3DS is too damn quiet.

- Not counting the Switch, the Vita was the best handheld of all time. It's got the best screen and best sound, it was insanely powerful for a handheld, and if you're into niche Japanese games it's a gold mine. I just wish you could change the home screen music, it's gloomy.

- The PSP though was absolutely awful, it was heavy and clunky and made my wrists ache (I know there's a thinner one but that's just one of the complaints), the thumb nub was straight up painful to use, it's too slow and there's nothing to go back to in the games library.

- The original Sonic games were badly designed too.

- Nothing good has come from the Final Fantasy name since X and the series needs to die. They at least need to leave Final Fantasy VII alone while it still has any of its dignity left.
(Edit: Ok I liked Dirge of Cerberus, but everything else, no. That's a pretty unpopular opinion in itself though.)

- You can easily play fighting games for the story if the story is good enough. BlazBlue, bro. I initially only played that series for its story and getting good at it was what got me interested in 2D fighting games, I found them boring before.

- Games like Kingdom Hearts, Nier, Final Fantasy XV, etc are not JRPGs. They're Action RPGs. JRPG is a genre. Final Fantasy 1 - 10 & 13, Shin Megami Tensei, Chrono Trigger, Shadow Hearts, Mother, etc are JRPGs. A non-Japanese game can be a JRPG. Lord of the Rings: The Third Age is a JRPG. By calling any RPG from Japan a JRPG you're putting Dark Souls and Final Fantasy in the same box which obviously isn't correct.

- The Fallout game worlds (at least 3's, 4's and NV's, haven't played the originals) are dull and repetitive. I don't understand why people call them beautiful.

- Stylistically, Oblivion was an incredibly ugly game, even for its time. The characters all look like caricatures and their voices are annoying. The whole game feels uncanny valley as hell and I can't enjoy playing it.

- Silent Hill 4 is fantastic and easily the scariest game in the series. Not as good a game as 2, sure, but it doesn't deserve the flak it gets in the slightest. It's the only one that rendered me too scared to carry on playing. Once the hauntings start in the room... you can't do that, man. I had ONE safe place.

- If you weren't there for the hype train, Fable 1 was really good. I really liked it. It's only 2 and 3 that suck.

Be gentle.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 04:45:39 pm by pizzasafari »

Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2018, 05:17:05 pm »
-Resident Evil was pretty bad until Resident Evil 4

-Japanese development still consists of a lot of clunky and outdated mechanics.  It only feels like the past few years that this has begun to change.  Monster Hunter World being a good example of improvement.

-The Nintendo 64 is one of my favorite consoles, even with the awful controller lol

-I also support the idea that the Wii U was great, but not surprised it failed.

-I think handhelds tend to be the worst way to play most any game and I literally don't understand why anyone would actually like playing them outside of it being the ONLY option at the moment.  I missed out on a lot of games because handhelds are so terrible.

-Classic 2D Sonic gameplay is incredibly overrated.  It's mostly just auto-running and sudden stops or hitting things you couldn't possibly know were there.

Probably got more, but I'm spacing on it.


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2018, 05:35:56 pm »
-I think handhelds tend to be the worst way to play most any game and I literally don't understand why anyone would actually like playing them outside of it being the ONLY option at the moment.  I missed out on a lot of games because handhelds are so terrible.

You. You're a good. I should have mentioned this. Vita is the only handheld I can enjoy playing because it's JUST big enough and of high enough quality to feel like playing a game on a TV. It's best played in the dark so you can't see your hands though.

Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2018, 05:47:11 pm »
-I think handhelds tend to be the worst way to play most any game and I literally don't understand why anyone would actually like playing them outside of it being the ONLY option at the moment.  I missed out on a lot of games because handhelds are so terrible.

You. You're a good. I should have mentioned this. Vita is the only handheld I can enjoy playing because it's JUST big enough and of high enough quality to feel like playing a game on a TV. It's best played in the dark so you can't see your hands though.

I stopped seriously playing with handhelds back with the GBA SP.  I dabbled with the DS, 3DS, and PSP since, but never for long as I realized quickly how awful handhelds are.  Like the Switch is only tolerable because it has a genuinely good screen, but even then, I can't sit and play it for very long that way.  Handheld is the worst way to play it.  I've heard of people dumping 100's of hours into 3DS Monster Hunter and I don't know how they do it.  I barely managed to get through Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on 3DS lol


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2018, 06:27:29 pm »
• I do not like first-person shooter games at all and fail to see the appeal of the genre.
• The Nintendo 64 has an awful controller and the games look awful regardless of setup due to the blurring filter from the hardware.
• I do not enjoy playing games portably. I like to game in the comfort of my home knowing I don't have to go anywhere or do anything.
• The PlayStation 3 was a disappointing follow up to the PS2.
• The Wii U had better games than the Wii and as of now the Switch as well.
• I immensely enjoy sports games.
• There are too many Nintendo apologists and sheep who think any game they make is incredible.
• Breath of the Wild is my least favorite Zelda game
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


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Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2018, 06:40:17 pm »
I didn't realize so many people disliked Nintendo. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, NES, and SNES are enough to put them near the top, in my book.


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2018, 07:06:22 pm »
I didn't realize so many people disliked Nintendo. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, NES, and SNES are enough to put them near the top, in my book.

I don't think any of us dislike them, I just think personally that they get far too much undeserved credit. Every game they put out is regarded like the second coming of christ regardless of its actual quality.

I love Zelda and Metroid too. SNES is a great console, haven't played much NES. I'd say I prefer 16-bit era Nintendo over modern Nintendo. Although their performance during the Switch era so far has me hopeful. Wasn't a fan of Breath of the Wild though.


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Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2018, 08:45:03 pm »
1.all sonic games suck
2.ps4 controllers are a improvement over the ps3 controller but still suck
3.Xbox one controllers do not suck
4.all GTA games suck
That's all I got.

Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2018, 09:10:19 pm »
- The N64 is the best Nintendo console ever made

- I actually like early 3D graphics (huge, blocky polygon textures, blurred features); explains my first unpopular opinion

- The NES and SNES collecting scene annoy the hell out of me.

- Earthbound is the most overrated JRPG of all time; it's a below average RPG that has garnered its reputation due to being "quarky" and being a SNES JRPG, that's it.

- People who get into pissing matches over who got the better deal or who fabricate/manipulate numbers to make it look like they got an excellent deal are pathetic.

- the Metal Gear Solid series is super overrated.

- the competitive Smash scene is the most toxic there is. Yes, even worse than CSGO or LoL.

- The Gamecube is worst 6th generation console

- Genesis >>>> SNES

- Dark Souls' gameplay is clunky and poorly designed

- King of Fighters series is overall better than the Street Fighter series

- People who defend Square over Kingdom Hearts 3 and the many spinoffs that have made a confusing mess of the story crack me up.

- Speed running is retarded, and is more often glitch running

- 98% of modern indi games are mediocre, pretentious garbage

- I'm definitely not an SJW, but hearing people bitch about SJWs, especially when it comes to gaming are far more annoying that any actual SJW. I unsubbed from AlphaOmegaSin because of this; dude just turned into a whiny bitch.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 06:24:27 am by bikingjahuty »

Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2018, 09:31:23 pm »
-I enjoy the 3D mario games more than the 2D ones.

I 100% agree with this, although I still like most of the 2D and 2.5D Mario games too

-Final Fantasy VIII is better than VII.

After recently playing and beating FF7 for the first time in almost two decades I won't be surprised if I share this same opinion once I replay FF8 eventually.

-The Xbox as a console family and the Xbox brand as a whole gets nothing but scoffs from me. The brand and console(s) created solely because Microsoft wanted some of that "console game money" back in the early 2000s. Leave it to Microsoft to be as unimaginative as possible and basically branding the letter X soaked in Mountain Dew and dudebro high fives. But hey, the PlayStation brand needed a competitor from the west, right?

While I agree that Microsoft wanted to get in on the console market and take some of Sony and Nintendo's cash, I feel like the original XBOX definitely holds its own against its 6th gen competitors and has a lot of great console exclusives. I thought for the longest time that all it was was a Halo and PC port machine, but when I began collecting for it many years ago I realized how wrong I was. The feel like your statement is more accurate concerning the 360, but still there are many excellent exclusives for it. The XBOX One though, I couldn't agree with you more.

Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2018, 11:03:27 pm »
JRPGs aren't actually Japanese.
Most of the heavy hitters were heavily based off of Wizardry and Ultima gameplay and settings, both of which were both American games. I scoff when people throw around the term because other than a game being made in Japan, there's nothing distinctly "Japanese" about the game structure.

Sonic is, was and forever will be awful.

Not a super fan of Mario 64 & Odyssey
I never really liked the collectathon platformers of the 90s, including Super Mario 64. Instead of having dozens of challenging levels, as we did in previous generations, they moved to having just a few big ones. It kind of came out of necessity because of the hardware restrictions. So if you can't fit more levels into your game, just reuse the same ones over and over again. - In the case of Mario 64, they just added a bunch of busy work (collecting coins/items) inside of the limited number of levels they had. One big advantage to this is that it also allows the developer to get more bang for their buck. No need to spend development time on extra environment design and art.  That was all fine and good for Mario 64 seeing as it was Nintendo's first major leap into 3D video games, but to me, seeing this again in 2017/18 is very quaint.

Not that Odyssey, Sunshine or 64 are a bad games per se, I just rather have a more linear experience with emphasis is on making perfect jumps and negotiating a multitude of well crafted levels and not just run around in circles doing little tasks to find coins/stars. I pretty much only enjoyed the little sub-level challenge sprinkled throughout the games.

With all this said, I find it strange that people like to bunch in Mario 64 as part of the main line Mario games. - Such as Mario 1, 2, 3, and World. To me Galaxy 2 and 3D World are much more closer to the original line of games than other modern Mario games.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 11:51:01 pm by badATchaos »


Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2018, 01:20:39 am »
- The Vita is not worth is as a "JRPG machine" since the vast majority of jrpgs worth playing are on other systems
- Chrono series is overrated
- Import libraries are vastly superior for older consoles compared to newer consoles
- The idea of no lives/no respawn is overused as a game mechanic in many single player games today
- Xbox brand has been utter garbage since 2009
- Guilty Gear has the best metagame for fighters today compared to any other fighter on the market
- Naughty Dog/ Quantic Dream/Bungie/Bioware are overrated studios
- Not everything can be ported to the Switch ( same goes for yt comparisons of porting arcade games to genesis)
- PC gaming is a hidden gem of its own
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 03:46:13 am by maximo310 »