Author Topic: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?  (Read 2624 times)


How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« on: April 18, 2018, 01:33:02 pm »
Don't take this as wining

I used to like to cheat and now I hate it. I don't see how so many of you play through a lot of console games. I hate to use YouTube to get through something.

 Am I the only one? or are most video games a big hassle to keep up with. A lot of games I always keep in the back of my mind are the video games where you have to do something completely unheard of to get by. not to mention how can you tell if a video game is even possible unless you have a guide. I can't stand for games that require a strategy  guide or a special move to move on. like those NES games where we needed Nintendo Power to beat them because of some secret path that you would never have known was there without those magazines or YouTube

How many people on here, are experienced enough in all video games that you can find a secret path or a special combo all by yourself and not lose all you fun doing so?

 Imagine a video game that would require a certain button combo that only the developer would know existed that was required to open a locked section of a game in order to beat it

Or how do you know if a game is not virtually impossible and you don't find out without looking the game up on the internet.

What are some strategies you use that help you get unstuck or avoid glitches that make the game you just started to work on impossible. Let say you backtracked the entire game world with still no luck how do you usually handle this kind of scenario. and think if their was no internet still would you still try to complete the game raw?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 01:38:54 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2018, 02:30:48 pm »
Let the rage consume you and be done with it ::)

Back in the day 

Civilized Current era 

« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 05:06:49 pm by sworddude »
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Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2018, 02:44:44 pm »
Well yeah, I would continue at it. We had to back in the day before there was internet. Back then you just consulted your friends and hoped they played it and beat that part. Or if you were lucky, you might have an issue of Nintendo Power or Tips & Tricks that had a strategy guide in it.


Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2018, 07:16:33 pm »
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


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Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2018, 09:46:47 pm »
I give it a break then get back to it later after I clear my head


Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2018, 08:43:30 am »
I don't destroy or break my equipment and I am sorry I made this thread
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2018, 09:06:15 am »
Call me whatever you want, but if I get stuck somewhere more than 10 minutes I'll look up a playthrough or some shit.
Being stuck just takes away the enjoyment for me, I don't play games to get frustrated.

However if i'm stuck because the game is too hard, I'll either just try and try again until I get it done, or i'll just sop playing and call myself defeated. It's usually rare that I stop playing a game because i'm stuck but it has happened (airblade for exemple)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 09:08:13 am by chrismb »

Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2018, 10:19:34 am »
I don't think its wrong to look up a guide or something. There's whole websites out there that make most of their money on walkthroughs and guides. For example, IGN openly states that their most visited pages are their guides, with their GTA5 guide being the most visited page ever on the entire site, by a wide margin.

That just tells me that using a guide is the rule, rather than the exception, whether we like to admit it or not. As for myself, I usually like to see how far I can get without a guide. If I get stuck somewhere I'll give it a good half hour of effort and if I haven't made progress I'll look it up (I'm looking at you stupid invisible wall above the acid pit in Lower Norfair after the Ridley fight in Super Metroid...).

I'm always more concerned about spoilers. When I look things up, I almost always inadvertently get more information than I needed that takes some of the challenge out of the parts immediately following what I was looking up.

Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2018, 10:35:31 am »
Call me whatever you want, but if I get stuck somewhere more than 10 minutes I'll look up a playthrough or some shit.
Being stuck just takes away the enjoyment for me, I don't play games to get frustrated.

However if i'm stuck because the game is too hard, I'll either just try and try again until I get it done, or i'll just sop playing and call myself defeated. It's usually rare that I stop playing a game because i'm stuck but it has happened (airblade for exemple)


Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2018, 11:00:36 am »
I might watch a video. One example I remember of this was when I was playing the new version of Shadow Warrior. It was not obvious to me that I was supposed to shoot the GLOWING ARMOR PIECES in the first real boss you come across. And the game did not inform you of a weak point like this, or were they any instances of such a thing on previous enemies. So I ended up watching someone else play it to figure out what I was doing wrong.

For a real stuck situation that didn't involve some game-breaking bug or other situation, I would end up using a cheat. If such a thing is not available, I may take a long break and try the game again in the future, and maybe have some different outcome. This does work out sometimes. Otherwise, just forget about it. There are plenty of other games I can play instead.

Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2018, 11:44:52 am »
I use guides without too much concern. In the moment, it's terribly frustrating to do so- partially out of concern that I must be really bad at the game, mostly out of annoyance that in the middle of being immersed and enjoying the game I have to stop, turn on my phone or computer, and go web-surfing for tips instead of playing my game!

Overall though, I don't mind. I've come to realize a lot of the people I see online who've played ridiculous amounts of games are people who
-don't work
-are playing the same games over and over again
-don't seem to have other hobbies

and so on. Not that any of that is inherently bad, they can enjoy themselves as they please. It's more that, my life doesn't really allow for so many games to be completed. I work two jobs. I spend time with my niece. I play board games. I sew. I watch YouTube & a few TV shows. I am a busy girl- I don't time to devote hours to re-playing the same chunk of game over and over to find a hidden maguffin or secret technique or what-have-you. So I look it up in a guide if I get stuck- usually I'm doing the right thing, but the timing is off or I need to move half an inch over. Which is frustrating (how am I supposed to know to climb the rope if the space to connect is so small, I can try, fail, & mistake it for a background element?) but also vindicating (Ha! I knew I climbed that damn rope!) Sometimes you get the odd WTF in there too (I have to kill an invisible spider?! How would I know that?!)

It's also the same reason I often play on Easy mode- I'm here for the game. The whole game. Not just the same boss or platforming segment over and over until I do it in such a way the game deems I may proceed- but don't die, or you'll have to do it again. It's why I love the kind of variable difficulty that shows up these days- games that put optional pickup goodies on the 'hard' path, but let you beat the game without them. Less so the Easy Mode items... I mean, I suppose I appreciate it's there, but man do you feel like crap when Mario games start putting in the Golden Tanooki suit. It's like "Hi- you kinda suck at this. Admit it, and we'll let you wiiiinnn...."

In the long run though, if there's no help from guides, no cheat codes (I rarely use those, but sometimes on the retro stuff), and it's literally just "play this until you can win"- yeah, I just quit. I have hundreds of games, I guarantee there's something else I want to play around!

Re: How Do You Handle Getting Stuck?
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2018, 02:26:15 pm »
I use guides without too much concern. In the moment, it's terribly frustrating to do so- partially out of concern that I must be really bad at the game, mostly out of annoyance that in the middle of being immersed and enjoying the game I have to stop, turn on my phone or computer, and go web-surfing for tips instead of playing my game!...

It's also the same reason I often play on Easy mode- I'm here for the game.

This exactly! It is kinda frustrating to put down the controller and whip out your phone. Just not fun...

I feel pretty much the same about easy mode also, but again am often conflicted. I start with "normal mode" and adjust if necessary. Sometimes it really is just saving time. The middle of Bravely Default smacks of this. It's hard to find a balance between wanting to complete a game because of a great narrative, and wanting challenge. I may never get passed the Megaman 2 Wiley stage 4 boss without save states, but something about changing the difficulty doesn't seem right. Skyrim on the other hand, who cares, just get me through the story and let me explore. The game is long enough without having to replay key fights or scenes because I died.

Interesting topic!