Let's say you don't want to work at a fast paced game or you're tired. what are some video games that relax you and let you go at your own pace I know some that relax me because I am not really a hard core gamer here is a list of some of mine Or even if you find all games relaxing say so.
1: (The Sims) (whole series) Here is a strange genre like no other. You can build, you can create things and the gameplay is usually not headache inducing, It keeps you busy whether you're playing a PC or console version it is mostly the same and it puts you into a new reality. Many consider it a girls game, but I am a guy and I like this series
2: (Pokemon) (series) Mostly a handheld RPG vary relaxing it don't require a heavy load of thinking. At least in my experience just pick a tactic and press a button with trial and error it's battles are sorta like a game of chess only more fun however it is the only RPG that I really enjoy so far
3: (Golf games) although sometimes playing a perfect game can be frustrating. It is one of those games that I play and enjoy at times. Although I rather be golfing on a real course using real equipment. But real life golfing is a vary expensive hobby that I am not going to take up in real life, so I just play the games once and a while
4: (Simcity) series build a city and control it while doing it. But The Sims for PC is much more in debt of building a city in fact Simcity is just like The Sims only less complicated. In other words you can actually build a city in the Sims 2 and 3 series and control its government just like you do in Simcity
5: Roller Coaster Tycoon series, I enjoy the 1st and 2nd one better then the 3rd one. and in this game you build and run an amusement park, and watch people ride your rides in the 3rd one you can actually ride on all the rides you make.
As you can see most of these are PC games but, I'm sure there is a lot more relaxing games to discuss here if you want to talk about video games that relax you. Even if there completely different types of games.
I know some of you probably find faster paced games to be relaxing, just like my old friend in high school she could relax at playing a fast paced NHL hockey game. Or maybe all video games are relaxing for you at this moment in your life.