Author Topic: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?  (Read 1924 times)

Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« on: May 13, 2018, 10:59:40 pm »
How many of you have bought homebrews and added them to your collection. Second how many know any homebrew game titles. I recall 1 called "explosive diarrhea" for the Atari 2600 or VCS also another game for the Atari 2600 called Adventure 2.

but in general lets talk about homebrew video games. are there some homebrews worth mentioning.

is there a such thing as homebrew games that work on the Nintendo 64 or PlayStation 1 or 6th 7th and or 8th generation consoles?
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2018, 01:10:55 am »
I do personally because they are still unique. I also include repros, but make sure to catalog it as a repro and not the real thing.


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Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2018, 10:54:38 am »
I add them to the collection.  They are games.  I have a few and they are really cool.  Super Russian Roulette is a blast at to play with friends.


Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2018, 09:13:04 am »
I currently do not own any homebrews that I'm aware of though I've seen plenty at shows I wouldn't mind having. I have typically refrained from purchasing them as I cannot justify the price and/or I see that they're made using sac carts. If homebrew makers used dedicated boards/shells for their games I'd probably be more inclined (if the price was right  ;)).

Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2018, 05:33:43 pm »
I currently do not own any homebrews that I'm aware of though I've seen plenty at shows I wouldn't mind having. I have typically refrained from purchasing them as I cannot justify the price and/or I see that they're made using sac carts. If homebrew makers used dedicated boards/shells for their games I'd probably be more inclined (if the price was right  ;)).

Atariage uses new boards but repurposes shells. I just sent 30 carts myself to the AA store. As for new shells that's something they're working on but they're aren't there yet.


Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2018, 06:12:19 pm »
Is it really that bad to use sacr carts?  ::)

I'm not seeing it, They are usually sports games in wich there are plenty off nobody else is going to buy or pick them up if not for repro's homebrews, at least they will see some use that way not to mention that the chips boards etc can be used to repair compatible good games. nobody is going to miss those games.
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Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2018, 04:03:36 pm »
I don't currently have any. I love that they are being made though. I just collect near the less expensive end of the scale <$5 so $80 for a single cartridge is a big ask. Not that I think they are not worth it, far from it, I just haven't reached the point where I have been willing to part with that much cash for a single cartridge yet. I think I am reaching the point though where I am satisfied with what I have and want to see what the modern programmers are doing on the old systems. It's amazing what some of the old systems are capable of when there are not executives insisting on building entire games in 2K of rom to increase profits.

Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2018, 06:55:48 pm »
I don't currently have any. I love that they are being made though. I just collect near the less expensive end of the scale <$5 so $80 for a single cartridge is a big ask. Not that I think they are not worth it, far from it, I just haven't reached the point where I have been willing to part with that much cash for a single cartridge yet. I think I am reaching the point though where I am satisfied with what I have and want to see what the modern programmers are doing on the old systems. It's amazing what some of the old systems are capable of when there are not executives insisting on building entire games in 2K of rom to increase profits.

I'm with you on price. As a Canadian buying homebrews from the US in American funds can add a lot to the cost of a homebrew. Some though I just have to bite the bullet as the games are simply THAT good. Draconian on the 2600 is a prime example. BUT as I mentioned above I send in donor carts to the Atariage store and I get store credit on those carts, usually enough to buy one homebrew so the game actually only costs me the cost of shipping.


Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2018, 08:47:48 pm »
I've got a few homebrew games, but I'm not typically impressed with them, so I haven't sought out a lot.

That said, I did contribute to the kickstarter for Tanglewood because the original demo was so impressive. I've also been meaning to buy a copy of Owlia because it was so fun watching that game come together. If a modern developer of retro games seems to be doing something really cool, I'm interested. But there just seems to be a lot of shovelware, too, so I find myself being pretty restrained.