Anyone else have a favorite non-hardware or software, but still video game related collection they're proud of? Plushies, cards, art, manuals, OST's, vinyl, magazines?
EDIT: Playing CDs on my PSOne as my dedicated CD player is still pretty awesome...
If you want to preserve your PSOne laser you could actually rip CD's to a PlayStation 3's hard drive. and listen to music off that.
but you now need to manually input the song artist and the album name in yourself because SONY closed their CD server
If you like music as much as I do. then get yourself a PS3 super slim with 250 or 500 gigabytes of space. You can also play PS1 and PS3 games on it as well. Video games on any PlayStation 3 only install patches. You don't need to put entire games on a PS3's hard drive. If you got the disc most games take up less then 1 gig because the PS3 used the games disc data instead on what some modern consoles do
Also you can have almost unlimited PS1 memory cards on a PS3 because you can put as many PS1 storage slots as you want on any PlayStation 3.

PS3 super slims are highly underrated in my opinion
ripping CD's don't cost much space on the PS3's hard drive at all depending on how much quality you want on the music files