Author Topic: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?  (Read 1728 times)


Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« on: June 12, 2018, 12:38:28 am »
What are your thoughts?

The way I see it, companies get to charge us online play, DLC for those willing to purchase, and on top of that in game purchases to keep playing!

Back in the old days, oh I don't know let's take Super Mario World. You buy a SNES and you buy SMW. You get your great game for whatever you paid and those are the only purchases required to play it! No online, no in app bogus nonsense, and no DLC! It's a fantastic game that was given to you for not only a fair price (I assume, that's another thing, $60 for console games?!) but on top of all of that it;s a cartridge! It wont scratch like a CD!

The way I see it gaming has become a mess of quality graphics over decent gameplay, companies milking players like a cow for cash, and in general lacking the charm a game should have like retro ones do!

That being said I'm aware this only applies to some games like battlefront 2 and whatnot and games like Bloodstained and Nier and Doom etc. etc. exist, but come on. Are we really paying for this?

Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2018, 12:47:55 am »
There are problems today, but overall, gaming is generally much better.  Grander experiences, more open to big and small developers, and there's a glut of quality games.  It's not like retro gaming was perfect.  There were so many different consoles, if a game released with bugs or problems, it was stuck with those issues, and a lot of games released at pretty high prices for generally short experiences a lot of the time.


Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2018, 02:03:15 am »
Worse in all but technology, which is naturally way better.

In many ways gaming is a victim of it's own success. As it's grown in popularity it stretches itself ever thinner in a moronic attempt for wider appeal. Back in it's less widespread days it was selling to a very specific group that required a certain level of respect for it's audience that modern games lack. This is of course clearly present in all the nickle-and-dimming of micro-transactions, loot boxes, season passes, etc. that rely more on whales so they can give the finger to the more average audience. Things like dropping the complexity of games to appeal to the lowest common denominator, shoehorning in politics where they don't belong (count the times they said 'diversity' this E3), forsaking single player experiences so they can slap the fore-mentioned further monetization systems as well as shit always online crap... these are near ubiquitous with every major game now.

For all the new technology that allows games to do almost anything it's almost never been used to anything close to it's potential in favor of lazy and scummy monetization schemes. Gaming was always a business but a game used to sell on it's uniqueness and quality, where more often than not these take a back seat now. Obviously this isn't every game, but I'd wager to say this is the majority developed by big developers.

Look at Bethesda, who hilariously said they where going to be the champion of single-player games at one point not too long ago (what a laugh)... they own two unique franchises that are widely popular, sell millions upon millions each entry... and have now double or TRIPLE sold out both on monetizable platforms. Elder Scrolls Online, Elder Scroll Legends, Elder Scroll Blades, Fallout Shelter, Fallout 76... franchise loyalty built on excellent games used to make money milkers. The main series get more and more infrequent while they build worlds that COULD be used in a real game... but that doesn't have the potential for constant selling of digital 'goods'. Oh goody, games as a 'service'.

This games-as-a-service crap is going to kill video games as I think of them. What was gaming a decade ago might not exist in the mainstream a decade from now. It's not all doom and gloom, however. Indie games are pretty much what gaming was in the 90s and 00's- unique projects where design and passion comes before profit, can be for niche audiences and live and die by their quality. This is amazing, but these are small teams or single devs with tight budgets... this surely inspires creativity, but they can never match what big studios COULD do. Giant studios have the capacity to push video games to their utmost limits, providing unimaginable experiences... but they don't and this is what most depresses me. When you have no motivation outside maximum profit why sell 10 million copies of an exceptional game when you could make a generic battle royale with the POTENTIAL of out-earning those 10 million with micro-transactions? The early days of gaming struck a balance between artistry and business, but now gaming is a not a creative vision or even just a product... but a 'service'.

The days of horse armor dlc seem pretty quaint by comparison... if only we'd known.

I'm a bitter old man who doesn't even like the things he likes. Gaming will be a completely different and utterly worse thing than it used to be in a decade or less, it's potential for innovation and inspiration squandered for profit-squeezing from major companies.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 02:05:17 am by hexen »
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!

Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2018, 02:07:14 am »
Better and worst in ways :).   Mostly better though if I had to pick a side.

Things that have gotten better 

1. Consoles have become spec wise capable of handeling much improved visuals, audios and can display us full blown movie quality cinematic masterpices that games of the past just couldn't bring to a player.   

2. Online Multiplayer has brought millions of gamers from around the world together like never before, making the games so much more immersive.

3. Virtual reality can put you in the game and while it's still in it's infancy and may even be a passing phase, it's for sure an amazing concept. 

4. The controllers are night and day better, rounded edges, ergonomically amazing,  thumbsticks have been imporved through trial and error and it seems like controllers get better with each console generation. 

Things that have gotten worst

1. Old games were more diverse, creative and less repitition within franchises.  Modern games are bogged down with ridiculous amounts of shooters game and some genres like beat em ups can really fall to the sideline.   

2. Games of the past always had a special flare to them,  the campaign always came first and now adays games rely heavily on mutiplayer and online interactions.  So sometimes the creative effort to make something great can be hindered compared to back in the SNES days. 

3. The pay to play aspect of buying DLC,  back in the day it'd just come with the game add ons were an extreme rarity that often led to the death of a console (32 x)    But now the pay to win or pay to play model is alive and well and it's pretty annoying.

4. Load times have gotten atrociously longer but that's to be expected with much more information being read off the game.

Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2018, 02:15:27 am »
In terms of the quality of games I feel like it's got way better overall. There are still terrible, shitty games released today, but in regards to the gameplay, graphics, modes, game length, and content modern games have nearly all older games beat. However, the industry has become a toxic landscape of greed which has not only stifled the creativity within the industry, but created practices that have plagued both gamers and other game companies alike. And also, despite the overall quality of games getting better, there is far less diversity within modern gaming, mostly due to the expense of developing games and the amount of risk involved in creating a new IP or bringing back an old one. I have to say overall though that modern gaming is better, but it most certainly does have its flaws, many of which were not issues 10, 15, or 20 years ago.


Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2018, 03:09:23 am »
Worse, due to the fact that the industry has fallen victim to the success of appealing to such a large audience. This forces companies to constantly pursue a target genre of games ( which has been noted as far back as fighters from early 90s- mid 90s,) which has led to less diversity in game studios over time as many of them had to either move to other genres to attain sales, downscale, or go bankrupt. Single-player is definitely being seen as less of a necessity compared to pushing multiplayer online (complete with your loot boxes and extra skins for an additional price)!

The only thing that really keeps me invested is seeing what small indie studios can do, since they're more open to  experimenting on game ideas, especially in genres that have been left for dead like shmups, and can sometimes deliver some fantastic results. Besides that, I've been spending more time than ever playing stuff made 25-30 years ago ( with the occasional game like odyssey on switch) since there's plenty of retro stuff out there that'll take a lifetime to beat.


Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2018, 04:10:01 am »
Worse in almost every way.
Maybe the only thing that I like nowadays is having minorities being more well represented than they were in the past.


Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2018, 08:50:04 am »
The graphics and music have become better. I'll always favor 2D to 3D, and non-realism to realism. Also, there are some nice QoL features that a lot of games have that would have been handy back in the day such as saving anywhere, different language options, etc.

Other than that, it's gotten worse. It's like every game developer is trying to check off a box in order to satiate their greed and appeal to non-gaming masses. They need to make sure that their games feature an open world, micro transactions, DLC, DRM, online playability, co-op, patches to fix their bugs know the rest. Gaming doesn't feel like gaming.

I've played some lovely modern games. But, I'm always finding myself gravitating towards consoles before the PS3 era.

I remember playing Shining the Holy Ark earlier this year. That's a perfect example of how video games used to be. You could tell that there was a level of care and affection poured into that. I really hope we can get to that point again.


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Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2018, 02:52:24 pm »

We have easier access to games than ever before. We have indie-developers being supported and advertised. We have retro games at our fingertips with a bevy of options to access them. We have consoles from 3 (now 4 with Atari entering the fray) manufacters, 2 mainstream handhelds, PC, plus smart phones and tablets to play on. Games are getting bigger and longer. And the graphics are phenomenal.

On the other hand, though, big developers are no longer willing to take risks. More often than not they play it safe with franchise sequels. I miss the 8-bit through 32/64-bit days when big developers were willing to take a risky move they believed in. Indie games do this, yeah, but it's just not the same. That level of quality and production just isn't there and in indie-games its far too often a good idea that wasn't fully developed.

I also don't like that the big game companies are veering more towards online models and pay-to-play or pay for DLC to finish the story models. If I'm already paying $300+ for the console, $10 a month for online service (on top of what I pay to my ISP), and I paid $60 for a game, I want a full experience. And I want a freaking campaign/story mode!


Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2018, 02:55:42 pm »

I also don't like that the big game companies are veering more towards online models and pay-to-play or pay for DLC to finish the story models. If I'm already paying $300+ for the console, $10 a month for online service (on top of what I pay to my ISP), and I paid $60 for a game, I want a full experience. And I want a freaking campaign/story mode!

Preach brother.


Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2018, 07:53:34 pm »
Both.  Better in terms of tech and honestly most games on average take a more time to complete these days.  So technically your getting more content. 

That said there is a hell of a lot wrong.  All you have to do is look at EA and Ubisoft.  Predatory loot box and DLC nonsense.  Games being rushed out the door without proper testing.  Taking a great series and hammering it into the ground via yearly releases that get tiresome.  Games media in general.  So tired of the over-hyping of everything, and the bought reviews.

Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2018, 08:39:43 pm »
Worse. Now some companies are gravitating toward online play only. Also for those who do not know companies also use some online features of games to spy on their fans and players. Online games mean that servers can even dig into some of your private online information. Such as what times of the day you play, your console or PC social aspects, who you play and chat with online your bank information.

 I suppose it's good for law enforcement purposes, and Facebook does this as well. but remember whenever your online and pretty much anything you get into, or access online your being watched. Usually by some kind of main computer. All internet servers can access personal information like your IP address, your times online or offline trust me you can ask any VGCollect admin. Your not alone when your using the internet or sites.

I even saw the the sims 3 for PC had a built in feature, that runs in the background while you play the game and it sends off information to EA servers in California

otherwise modern gaming is just something I am just not into
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 08:47:15 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2018, 09:02:35 pm »
Games haven't gotten worse-that "golden age" era where developers were bubbly, plucky folks who only had the intentions of making players happy is a false narrative inspired entirely by rose colored glasses.

You see, people think game developers being overly greedy and cheap is a new trait that developed in recent years. It ain't! See, we know what retro games are good now, but in the past, buying a new game was such a gamble the process of buying a new game might as well have been like opening a loot box in of itself! See, if you bought a game from say, nintendo or sega, you could at least get a get a relatively good idea that it's good..but outside of that, it was a free for all.

More often than not, games were made overly hard to artificially increase their length. Respecting the player and whatever toleracnce they may have for frusteration wasn't a thing; making completing a game a smooth, comfortable experience wasn't a huge concern for even the best of Retro games. Rather than working on compelling gameplay, game companies saw fit to hook kids on their game by beating the crap out of them. Then theres the licensed games-while still bad today, it was sooo much worse back then. The games didn't even need to be functional.

These tendencies are simply expressed in different ways in the current gaming industry-unfair mechanics became grinding, selling you on a popular product became selling you on a fancy item, LJN became EA.

Now, youd likely reply to this, "But LJN doesn't make up all Retro games!! What about Super Mario World, the Megaman Series!!"

Yea, exactly-I'd make the same argument about modern games. The good-to-bad game ratio hasn't drastically changed, but rather the stuff bad games do has become much more insidious. You still have say, Super Mario Odssey, Breath of the wild, God of war, the Crash bandicoot remakes, etc etc etc..and you might dislike any of those games, whether they're amazing or not isn't the point. But what I'm saying is, there's still games coming out with fleshed out, fun, pure single player campaigns! There's plenty! Yes, I know EA is still being a moustache-twirling villain coming up with new schemes to screw over and demean gamers. But we should stop acting like that makes up the majority of the industry! They ALWAYS did that, they just have new toys nowadays!

It's not going to make the gaming industry any better to look at the worst of the worst and act like stinks up the whole place-predatory gaming practices were always there. But buy the good stuff, and don't tolerate the bad stuff. This idea that video games these days are a wasteland of dlc and microtransactions is built out of sensationalism and bias.


Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2018, 09:29:22 pm »
Worse for sure. Although i'm biased since I prefer arcade-oriented score based video-games of the yesteryear over the open-world exploration/adventure titles that we see in abundance today. Sure you have a handful of indie software and innovative games every once and awhile, What you have mentioned puts a damper on playing these to begin with; digital only/pay2play/pay for "" etc.


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Re: Has gaming gotten better on worse in your opinion?
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2018, 10:57:06 pm »
Short answer: worse

Long Answer: Depends.

For example the technology/graphics are obviously and naturally would become better. Along with that, like someone else has mentioned, the fact bugs can be fixed in games is better as well.

However overall it is way worse in my opinion. Between pay-to-win games, DLC getting out of control, the fact some games aren't available for those with bad internet now, gameplay (in my opinion at least,) get the idea. I myself have a lot of PS3 games but there is no way I am getting a PS4 or Xbox One. I don't want to pay for online play. I also do a lot of PC gaming but again the newer PC games have their paid systems going haywire. Another thing I like about old games is if you look specifically for fake carts you can get really cheap versions of good retro games (although I haven't done this yet, I just know it's an option.) Will people consider CS:GO a timeless classic 20 years from now? Probably not. However is Super Mario Bros. still considered a very good classic and has had a surviving franchise? Yes.