Author Topic: Will you embrace all digital consoles or buy more retro when that time comes?  (Read 3282 times)


I'm done with retro. I will be okay with the p5 being digital only. I'll get it to play the newest games of the series I enjoy and that's all.


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I always say I will never buy a digital only console but I know if there are games on it I want to play, I will most likely buy it anyway, especially if we're talking Nintendo. I'm not going to skip out on a Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, or whatever other franchise out just because it's digital only. However, one thing is for certain. I will ONLY be buying the games that I really want to play. I rarely buy digital only games now. I have maybe 5 total from this current gen. I only buy a game digitally if it's the only way I can play it and I really REALLY want to play it. Otherwise, I won't waste my money. Why? Well, part of the fun of buying games is collecting them. I will buy a game I only kind of want in physical form, just to have it and play it and if I don't like it I can sell it. With digital, there is no joy in opening up the package and sitting it on my shelf nor is there selling the game back if I don't like it. I can't let friends borrow digital games, only physical ones. I don't have to worry about hard drive space or buying SD cards or whatever. So when the time comes, and it will eventually, I will buy only the absolute essentials in digital form and spend any other leftover spending money on retro games.


Once it goes all digital, then I will adapt.

But for now, I will still go physical all the way since I enjoy collecting the games I like to play and archive them in a library. I still buy digitally, only if there is no physical option.

I can see the day digital takes over though, personally I don't think it will be with the PS5 but probably the gen after. I'll be pretty happy with the collection I have though, plenty of backlog to go through as well.
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