Author Topic: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?  (Read 3651 times)


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Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2018, 09:41:26 pm »
I love games with epic stories a few of my favorites are the Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kain series the story spanned 5 games and two console generations.The other was Allen Wake you play as the author writing a story as it unfolds as you play(horror/mystery) it's awesome.

Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2018, 09:50:28 pm »
If the story has enough to it, I'll certainly follow it.  There's some stuff where the story is more like window dressing, like Monster Hunter World.  Remove the story there and it is the same exact game and nothing is lost.  I'm fine with either no story or lots of it.  As long as it's well done.

Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2018, 04:16:49 pm »
I love games with epic stories a few of my favorites are the Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kain series the story spanned 5 games and two console generations.The other was Allen Wake you play as the author writing a story as it unfolds as you play(horror/mystery) it's awesome.

Aww man the LoK games rocked. Those were probably some of the first story driven games I really dug into. But, I love story driven games. Especially if the story is good (obvious I guess?).  Stories can present differently though. Super Metroid has an incredible story, and an incredible way of telling it, but I'm not sure everyone would consider it a story driven game.

Some games I play only for the story. Night in the Woods is a good example of a modern game that really doesn't have any actually "game play." Its more like an interactive story. But I loved every minute of it. Conversely, there are games with incredible stories that I've had to walk away from because the gameplay didn't sit well with me. I haven't finished Fire Emblem Awakening or Final Fantasy Tactics, despite the stories being amazing. The strategy stuff just seemed too slow. Each battle took 20+ minutes, and if you fail you have to start from scratch. I fail... Alot... I could "git gud", but honestly there are just too many other great games out there to waste time on something that wasn't satisfying.

TL;DR I love stories, and love great storytelling through games as a medium even more, but even great stories can't make up for game play I don't enjoy.


Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2018, 05:15:49 pm »
It all depends on the writers and how tired I am, lol.

Sometimes I'm really in the mood to get grabbed by a story and will invest the effort to read over things and avoid skipping.

Other times, I just want to play through and will kinda click through the text (especially with the fetch quests in FFXIV). But I know there is good lore in there if I look for it, so I feel bad sometimes.

I never skip cutscenes, though. I try to follow those as well as I can.

The ones I do love but have trouble playing are visual novels, though. I often want to get into the story but the lack of gameplay can sometimes make it feel tedious. Depends on the game, of course, but I really have to make a lot of effort with VNs.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2018, 02:48:52 pm »
90% of the time story is my favourite part of a game, so I'll never ever skip.


Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2018, 01:53:30 am »
I mainly play story driven games, I rarely bother with multiplayer. The last game I played some MP was with For Honor just to try out the system.

I am also that rare breed of individual that plays shooters like COD and Battlefield for the story driven single player campaign... After I'm done with it I maybe play 1 match online then never touch it again. I'm currently doing that with COD WWII.
  l    l 


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Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2018, 02:34:12 am »
I almost never skip story scenes. I prefer to get the whole experience, and if I skip them I feel like I missed something.
By the same token, I usually try to do everything a game has to offer before finishing it, like RPG side quests.

Fun fact: I watched the “cinema scenes” in NES Ninja Gaiden so much I started narrating them in goofy voices; Ryu sounded like a little kid, Walter Smith sounded like an old man, Bloody Malth sounded like Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget, Foster was a stereotypical British bad guy, etc :D

You could be my long lost brother!

I did a bit on my show with one of our musician guests.

We did the Ninja Gaiden II intro with his cover of the music.

He voiced the bad guy as Shredder from the Ninja Turtles. I voiced the squire like the pimpled squeaky voiced teen from the Simpson’s.

Back on topic, I love story driven games. Especially since there are no more manuals.

Stories like Detroit: Become Human, Infamous, and Alan Wake are great gaming experiences that could only happen on the hardware of the last two console generations or better.

Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2018, 02:46:05 am »
I mainly play story driven games, I rarely bother with multiplayer. The last game I played some MP was with For Honor just to try out the system.

I am also that rare breed of individual that plays shooters like COD and Battlefield for the story driven single player campaign... After I'm done with it I maybe play 1 match online then never touch it again. I'm currently doing that with COD WWII.

I am the same way so you're not alone, I too play Call Of Duty games like Ghost's for it's story for example, where it actually was a story driven experience I actually liked Call Of Duty Ghosts on single player for the PlayStation 3. I beat it once but never went back because I didn't like how in the end you get taken away and the villain wins and it leaves you hanging on for a sequel. But I can still go back to it.
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Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2018, 12:08:16 pm »
Unless the story tends to repeat and rehash the same thing over and over (Valkyria Revolution) then I never skip the story.