Author Topic: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...  (Read 2406 times)

I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« on: June 29, 2018, 05:55:34 pm »
I think in future I just want to be in just one (or very predominantly in just one) eco-system.

Where do you think my investment should be going forward?


Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2018, 06:11:37 pm »
Depends on the games you like.  PC is probably best overall, it gets games that are generally Sony or Microsoft only, though lacking anything Nintendo.  You also don't really have "generations", games will generally continue to work for years afterwards, though it's not a guarantee for particularly older games.

Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2018, 06:16:07 pm »

Steam has been around for so long, my account is almost 8 years old.
Huge library, everything is essentially backwards compatible with PC being basically one long everlasting generation, mouse + keyboard is amazing for certain genres like FPS.
There were 13.5m 'first time purchasers' on Steam in first four months of 2018 (source: so that platform isn't going anywhere and is thriving massively.
Plus there's mods, console commands, cheats, deep sales etc.

Xbox have some nice initiatives like backwards compatibility, like gamepass (which has day and date AAA exclusives). Plus they have a great controller with lots of battery life. However they are often slated for having few exclusives and what exclusives they do have also being on PC. They are rather stuck in the rut of Halo, Gears, Forza.

Playstation is much loved this generation. They've certainly pumped out a lot of quality exclusive games (true exclusives that aren't on PC or playable anywhere else). And they get a lot of niche or Japanese games that don't show up on xbox. They launched their system at a cheaper price point and with a smaller form factor.

Nintendo have an insane quality on their first party offerings. But they have an underpowered system that simply does not get many third party games at all, come the next gen it will be a wasteland on Switch. However, games like Pokemon and Smash and Mario Party and Mario Kart are some of the highest quality and most replayable games you could hope for. I'm pretty burnt out on the samey xbox/playstation games.

Maybe it's a case of time will tell, we have to see what the next generation from each provider entails. Price points, backwards compatibility options, launch line ups, system appearance, services/subscriptions, any potential 'system sellers' mega releases.

PC is really great though. I was heavily invested in xbox 360 and basically had to sell all that stuff off to make room for a new box to sit in place of it and because none of the games originally played on the new system.

But then, having the option to lounge on the sofa and have some kind of console is nice. PC + Nintendo has always been praised - you can get the quality Nintendo games and most third party offerings.

Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2018, 06:26:15 pm »
The install base is massive on PC, you're more likely to find matches faster and after a longer period of time in multiplayer games.

Plus online multiplayer is free.

Plus all your games are backwards compat forever.

Plus the library is much, much larger.

Plus you can easily listen to a podcast or music in the background.

I find myself playing a lot less xbox and playstation. Every time I turn my xbox on there's a system update to do. These things are closed systems and I probably have to just move on from them at the end of a generation - essentially just losing the games I spent hundreds on.

I'm enjoying my switch much more than my xbox and playstation right now ... and I thought the Wii was horrible and didn't even ever own a Wii U because I thought it sucked so bad.

I think after this gen I will be nintendo + PC only - maybe picking up old PS4/XB1 games on the cheap and being a gen behind with those. Hmm.

Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2018, 08:30:01 pm »
If I had to narrow it down to two I'd say Nintendo and Sony.


Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2018, 08:51:11 pm »


Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2018, 09:02:18 pm »
If I really had to give a serious answer I'd put my money on the Ataribox.

I really like the mystery aspect surrounding this console of not knowing what one will get  ::)

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Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2018, 09:33:47 pm »
I understand your desire to raise the flag and stand beside one banner for all time.  But the future belongs to those who adapt not to those who remain stagnant.  I know this well growing up in the 16 bits wars on the 90s.  I stuck with Nintendo, the flagship to so many powerhouse IPs and developers.  I almost missed the boat on PlayStation, it housed the final fantasy & Castlevania games I was looking for....sorry....flashbacks. 

If there can be only one...let it be PC.  At least you have a huge library and the dreaded emulation to carry you through.  I will say this though, I'd pick my old school physical format library over my steam and bnet accounts anyday...that's saying a lot right there,

Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2018, 05:52:06 am »
PC is a hassle, in my opinion a PC can have more things that can go wrong with it. Some video games come with undetectable malware, the steam PC app is annoying because it really slows down your computer. I recently stopped playing games on my PC
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Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2018, 06:54:04 am »
PC is a hassle, in my opinion a PC can have more things that can go wrong with it. Some video games come with undetectable malware, the steam PC app is annoying because it really slows down your computer. I recently stopped playing games on my PC

Not entirely wrong, more potential for issues, but there's also way freedom.  There's more stores than just Steam (Steam isn't that bad), mods for games, emulators, and just more all around support on a wider variety of games.

In the end, it still comes down to the games.  PC generally has a real good all around variety, but there's plenty of stuff it won't get, which is why I'd never go for a single system if I can.

Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2018, 04:22:52 am »
I think in future I just want to be in just one (or very predominantly in just one) eco-system.


Where do you think my investment should be going forward?

What's your budget?


Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2018, 10:52:00 am »
PC gives you the greatest range of freedom for game choice, but also the greatest cost & hassle in keeping said games running. If you're fine with things like updating graphics card & ram, looking out for viruses in your downloads, manually setting up controller inputs, etc.- then go with PC.

If not, your next big question is: Do you like to play multiplayer? Soy has already proven they are highly antagonistic towards multiplayer outside of their PS4 ecosystem (see the whole Fortnite thing.) You may consider going Xbox if you play online to have a larger base to play with, and to keep your options open for the future. If you don't play online, PS4 has a ton more exclusives, with several of the ones they don't get being on PC (even if it's not your focus, I'm sure you'll have one around anyway.)

Considering we're most of the way through the Xbox One and PS4's run (most people assume another year or two), You could probably just look at what's already out & figure out who's got more games you want. As for Nintendo? I think of them as an addendum. They've done their own thing for years. You lose so many games by choosing them exclusively, but lose all of Nintendo's amazing first party IP by ingoring them. It's less choosing Nintendo over the other guys, and more choosing if you need Nintendo at all.