Firstly- job
s for me- the Northwest is an expensive place! Lots of game though

Secondly- eh, s'alright. They're both retail jobs so the quality varies drastically by time of year & what kind of customers I get that day. A bad day in December can make you want to walk into traffic. Oh the whole though, I like my co-workers and immediate management, which is SO IMPORTANT for getting though things, y'know? (Although I do hate it when the department store has callouts and decides to pull me from my assigned zone & stick me somewhere I don't know well, alone, & expect me to handle everything on my own. 'This isn't my department' isn't laziness, it's a quiet cry of exasperation from an overwhelmed employee.)
Now, the interesting thing about working 2 jobs in retail, is seeing how differently things go bad for the holiday rush. One store, people get demanding (I want this specific thing I saw online, and you will call every other store in the country to find it & have it mailed to me, & I'm not paying shipping but I need it here in 2 days.) At the other store, they get amazingly dumb (No, this is not on sale. Yes, I found the ad sign- it was 10 feet away, on the other side of the aisle. It was also for frames. You're buying paint.) It's fascinating, really!