Author Topic: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming  (Read 4208 times)


Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2018, 06:56:31 pm »
Trading TG-16 with a bunch of games for Sega Genesis with a bunch of games. Back then seemed a great deal. Today it's a ripoff. I was punked.


Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2018, 11:11:39 pm »
I've learned to never loan things out, they either get stolen or damaged, people just don't seem to care about other peoples belongings.  >:(

Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2018, 10:43:30 am »
I've learned to never loan things out, they either get stolen or damaged, people just don't seem to care about other peoples belongings.  >:(

I'll still lend things from time to time, but as a general rule, only to people I believe to be trustworthy. If I've never seen them handle media, I'll only lend things I can replace cheaply & easily. There's also things I straight-up will not loan anyone, period. That's the expensive stuff, and the sentimental stuff. Basically anything that, for whatever reason, I wouldn't be able to replace. If you want to play my copy of Lightening Force, I'll set it up for you here- but I've had it since I was 9 & I don't want that to change, so you ain't taking it!

I don't blame anyone who doesn't lend though- I've had enough bad experiences to understand why many would stay away from it.

Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2018, 09:34:05 am »
Like everyone else... loaning games.

Buying Jonah Lomu Rugby for 360.

Buying extra copies of games because I thought I didn't have it.  Lost Planet, Hawx 2, etc.


Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2018, 03:04:54 pm »
My biggest mistakes are not picking up games at retail when I had a chance.  Saturn House of the Dead, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Nes-Bonk, Bonk 3, Magical Chase (and others).  All games that I could have gotten for $40-$60, but I wanted to wait and see if the price would go down. 

I don't think it's as valuable now, but for a while Target had clearanced off Marvel VS Capcom 2 DC.  I bought one, sold it on ebay for a profit, lather, rinse, repeat.  I bought Target out but never kept one for myself. 

I don't lose much from my collection, but it has happened on occasion.  I lost the mouse cleaning tool from Mario Paint and I'm still bitter about it for example.

And as for loaners, I had one cartridge returned broken from my now brother-in-law, he made good and replaced it though.  But I'm the recipient of a never returned loaner game.  My Super Mario Bros. 3 was a loan from a schoolmate.  I told him I'd give it back whenever he asked.  Eventually we had summer break, and in the new year, he was kind of over video games I guess.  Sorry Travis, I hope you don't miss it much.


Paying around $70 for Yoshi's Cookie for the SNES.  I was young, enjoying the paychecks from my first job, and I was impatient.  Paying that much for that game altered my purchasing habits.  It made sometimes wait for better deals (see above), but it also made me cave in and overspend on games that I could have waited on.  "Well if I paid $70 for Yoshi's Cookie, why won't I pay $60 for this much better game?"
« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 03:06:30 pm by topspot123 »


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Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2018, 05:24:40 pm »
1.Not getting all my games and systems out of the house before the divorce!
2.Letting games be borrowed either not getting them back or not returned in same condition.
3.Traded in Brigadine for ps1 to funcoland never traded in anything ever again after that.
These are my worst violations especially #1

Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2018, 01:26:24 am »
And as for loaners, I had one cartridge returned broken from my now brother-in-law, he made good and replaced it though.  But I'm the recipient of a never returned loaner game.  My Super Mario Bros. 3 was a loan from a schoolmate.  I told him I'd give it back whenever he asked.  Eventually we had summer break, and in the new year, he was kind of over video games I guess.  Sorry Travis, I hope you don't miss it much.

I actually have two like that in my collection- my copy of Street Fighter 2 Turbo edition on SNES actually belongs to a friend of my brother. He borrowed it, then sold his SNES & gave the game to me so he could play it until he returned it, but never did. The other is a disc-only copy of Grand Theft Auto 2 for PS1 that belonged to a kid I used to babysit. His mom took it away from him shortly after buying it (she was unaware of the content). It turned up again while I was there & he kept trying to sneak it out to play. I told him to stop, or I'd put it somewhere he'd never find it. He didn't- so I took it home. Then I was unceremoniously & suddenly fired when the kids went into daycare, so I never got to return it.

If you live/lived in the Puget Sound area, and this sounds familiar- PM we with some personal details for proof & I'll happily return your games!

Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2018, 10:10:08 am »
And as for loaners, I had one cartridge returned broken from my now brother-in-law, he made good and replaced it though.  But I'm the recipient of a never returned loaner game.  My Super Mario Bros. 3 was a loan from a schoolmate.  I told him I'd give it back whenever he asked.  Eventually we had summer break, and in the new year, he was kind of over video games I guess.  Sorry Travis, I hope you don't miss it much.

I actually have two like that in my collection- my copy of Street Fighter 2 Turbo edition on SNES actually belongs to a friend of my brother. He borrowed it, then sold his SNES & gave the game to me so he could play it until he returned it, but never did. The other is a disc-only copy of Grand Theft Auto 2 for PS1 that belonged to a kid I used to babysit. His mom took it away from him shortly after buying it (she was unaware of the content). It turned up again while I was there & he kept trying to sneak it out to play. I told him to stop, or I'd put it somewhere he'd never find it. He didn't- so I took it home. Then I was unceremoniously & suddenly fired when the kids went into daycare, so I never got to return it.

If you live/lived in the Puget Sound area, and this sounds familiar- PM we with some personal details for proof & I'll happily return your games!
Same.  I have Mischief Makers and Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle (SFC) because an acquaintance insisted that I borrow them because I'd never played them.  Never asked for them back, sold his collection within a year or so, stopped talking to me because I wouldn't trade him a Wii U for a Vita (circa 2012), started talking to me again, got back into collecting, and here we are.


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Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2018, 11:11:17 am »
1.Not getting all my games and systems out of the house before the divorce!

I can’t tell you how much truth there is to this. The Great Divorce of 2015 cost me a ton of games!