Author Topic: Have you tried the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate demo on Switch?  (Read 1826 times)

It was one of very, very few games I was interested in.

Having tried it, it's just a tedious damage sponge expedition with clunky controls and sub-par graphics.  :-\

Re: Have you tried the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate demo on Switch?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2018, 06:39:26 pm »
It's a 3DS port, so I'm not entirely sure what you were expecting. 

I played a couple missions, the first one twice trying to figure out the controls, and then the Intermediate mission against the flying fuzzy walrus.  Coming at this from someone who never got into the original series, but dumped a bunch of hours into Monster Hunter World, the shift back to the older style wasn't as hard as I expected.  Its very clear where the improvements were in MHW beyond just visuals, as the gameplay feels way smoother and better designed.

Anyone that actually knows both series know if there are more combat attacks? Like in MHW, using the Long Sword, I can build up my meter, do slashes, get bonus damage up at three different levels, but then I can use a meter level to do an upward slash and then a strike down that does multiple hits.  Is that not here in this game or is that what the Hunter Arts are and MHW just worked things like that into the moveset to simplify things? I might just be missing it, mostly because it's a demo that doesn't teach you anything, throwing you headfirst into three missions with pre-set gear and arts.


Re: Have you tried the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate demo on Switch?
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2018, 02:17:13 am »
Anyone that actually knows both series know if there are more combat attacks? Like in MHW, using the Long Sword, I can build up my meter, do slashes, get bonus damage up at three different levels, but then I can use a meter level to do an upward slash and then a strike down that does multiple hits.  Is that not here in this game or is that what the Hunter Arts are and MHW just worked things like that into the moveset to simplify things? I might just be missing it, mostly because it's a demo that doesn't teach you anything, throwing you headfirst into three missions with pre-set gear and arts.

I haven't played the demo yet, but from what I recall in MH4U and MH Generations, there are weapon arts that affect what kind of attacks you have. I believe MHGU has a whole bunch of weapon arts pulled from the last few sets of games, and you're correct where MHW does away with arts for the sake of keeping things simple. I saw the weapon arts as almost a kind of skill loadout that you choose to fit your playstyle for that particular weapon. Took some time to practice with, but once you found something you enjoyed, it was nice to have the variety.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Have you tried the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate demo on Switch?
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2018, 02:31:00 am »
Anyone that actually knows both series know if there are more combat attacks? Like in MHW, using the Long Sword, I can build up my meter, do slashes, get bonus damage up at three different levels, but then I can use a meter level to do an upward slash and then a strike down that does multiple hits.  Is that not here in this game or is that what the Hunter Arts are and MHW just worked things like that into the moveset to simplify things? I might just be missing it, mostly because it's a demo that doesn't teach you anything, throwing you headfirst into three missions with pre-set gear and arts.

I haven't played the demo yet, but from what I recall in MH4U and MH Generations, there are weapon arts that affect what kind of attacks you have. I believe MHGU has a whole bunch of weapon arts pulled from the last few sets of games, and you're correct where MHW does away with arts for the sake of keeping things simple. I saw the weapon arts as almost a kind of skill loadout that you choose to fit your playstyle for that particular weapon. Took some time to practice with, but once you found something you enjoyed, it was nice to have the variety.

That's totally fine it's setup that way, I was just making sure I wasn't missing combat mechanics while playing because the movesets in MHW have a lot more going on and while are not as customizable, are smoother in execution.  Having to press a separate button with your left hand to execute a special ability is sorta strange I feel, but I can probably get use to it.

I'm kinda curious to see if there's some control customization options so I can maybe tweak things to be more like MHW, even slightly (Like a separate run button on the analog stick instead of the pointless map zoom option).


Re: Have you tried the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate demo on Switch?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2018, 04:34:14 pm »
I feel like playing any MH game on the 3DS would just be super uncomfortable and gimped, which is why I avoided picking up 4U. I will definitely get some more of those games once I get a PS4.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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